what are the steps to be taken to improve the baby weight and height.

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The baby need be given diet and other treatment as advised by child specialist. The doctor will weigh the child periodically and advise accordingly.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you gulshan ji for your valuable words.,,. :P

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Feed the food when child is demanding. Dont feed too much, then the child dont like food. Happy Motherhood..

Feeding baby with healthy food according to babies age group

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Diet is important for the growth of a child.Moreover mother's milk is essential for a child and mother should try to feed his baby maximum time she could. Moreover physical work is also important which helps in the growth of a child. :)
Improving weight is easy but improving height is not at all easy after 19 years of age

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Improving weight is easy but improving height is not at all easy after 19 years of age

Normally height of a person does not grow after certain age but weight may grow at any stage of life. :)
One can try to improve the height with certain measures like stretching is one good way to increase a person's height although to not a great extent. Body weight certainly depends on what and how you keep your diet plans. This part is easier to maintain or even increase according to your choice.

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After the limits of age also we can improve our height by using few products but there may be few side effects itseems

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

After the limits of age also we can improve our height by using few products but there may be few side effects itseems

But that's not good as these medicine have side effects it always better to try out some stretching exercises or swimming which may be helpful. :)
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