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Mexico state congress asks ban on video game.

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They banned video games. This is bit strange. Why did they do so?
Kindly write some more regarding this.
Mainly children play vedio games and the only effect is it effects badly on eyes if any plays for many times.I don't know other demerits,So why they banned the game?
The mexican government banned only one game as it is against their government.

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I think every country has its own rules and restrictions. Maybe the video game is aganist its law.
If it is a question of a particular video game it is quite justified and it wont effect much to the video game lovers...!
Games become genuine for children so then oriented to game instead of education i think its good step.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Even elders also now a days to relax from their working stress

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

govt. is banning on a game there can be some serious reason behind that.
It is against the rules of government so they decided to ban on that games.

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Now a days they have introduced such a video games which even gives health to he people

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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