Recently a toll plaza employee who was the bread winner of the family was shot by a man who was heavily drunk. How he must be punished so that it would be a lesson for others?
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The best way is to suspend driving licence and seize the vehicle for some period.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The best punishment for drunked persons is they should be kept in jail if they caught drunked. then only people wills top drinking and mostly drunk driving accidents will get avoided

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I feel that their driving license should be canceled and their bad conduct should also be reflected in their office records. Performance hikes should be banned if their road conduct is not good.
driving license should be canceled and he should be forced to take the all monetary responsibilities of the effected family.
Put high charges and keep his car for some month with custody till he promise will not drive with if he drink.

Santosh Kumar Singh


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