Do you think our government should stop spending money on preserving our monuments, and use it instead for the betterment of the poor?
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Many monument helps government to earn revenue.These are all our pride so govt. should take care of them.
how monuments can help poor . although these are the symbol of old famous people like mahatma gandhi.
The poor should be given more skill and opportunities to work for better income and remove property. any charity type help is no good. A Chinese proverb is very relevant- If you give a fish, you fed once; but if you teach fishing, you feed all life.

The monuments are historical evidence of past and cultural heritage. many monuments are of international significance. These also attract tourists and promote our various export industries, tourism and hotel. There is no point in diverting money from monuments to social security schemes.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: ajay
No.Monuments should be preserved to reveal the next generation how was their past.

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Thank you said by: ajay
I think government should balance the money for both preserving monuments and betterment of the poor.
Poor are to be considered with due importance.At the same time the pillars of our culture are to be preserved.

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the most important question arise historical momument are important but it can be preseve by taking aginst the poor and needy.
No.Poor people are to be given importance and priority in this case,

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Thank you said by: ajay
No monuments are our Indian property which enriches our Indias status. There are some other ways where government is spending alot of money on unnecessary things. so that amount can be spent on poor.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

A nation lives as much in the present as in the past and our glorious past is relflected through these monuments which we must preserve and protect!
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