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Judging others is nothing but judging nature of others. then only we can understand

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

it is bit tough to judge others easily as people frequently change their face expressions.
Judging others should be needed for every human being then only no one can cheat us

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

only those who has very much experience to live with others can judge them easily.
No i cannot judge others i dont have that much experience in life to judge others.

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Yes,people judge others when they are in some relation with that person or that person has troubled in one or more talks.
I do judge when something as i stated above occurs with me.

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yes, I know psychology so with in few minutes i can judge a person and some time in rare cases it take bit more time also

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

no, don't judge people. do your best and let time pass and you will know the person.
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