Why do women in India put bindi on forehead ? What is the reason behind it ?


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Bindi has significance in Hindu culture as it gives prosperity. :)
Indian women really look beautiful with the bindi on forehead


This is a sign of married women. But even unmarried may put this as decoration.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

In south India I have seen even small school children put bindi on forehead


Indian women put bindi on forehead as this is Indian culture.Another reason may be to show that they are married.

It is the Indian culture and followed by traditional ages onwards.
It is a part of customs and i have also heard that any tilak and bindi on forehead keeps the mind calm .I also like to tilak on my forehead.
Bindi is symbol of marriage.bindi also signifies hindu women energy.

Be positive
women in India put bindi on forehead which is an indication of married women.
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