Love is the main base for any relation.

But we should have understanding capacity with love. which most of us don't have.

They just love blindly and make the lives hell.

For example: Take our parents.

They love us alot. But they never understand us.

they always want to happen what they want.

they never think why he or she is want to do this work, what is there in that, and all the remaining reasons.

they just think something in their mind that if their children do particular thing some thing happen and all.But they never think ok let them do. ok we will guide them . they just restrict.

But this creates a big disappoint in children mind.
That is dissatisfaction in children life.
So guys love but understand the person and the person situation.

I wish atleast the people who read this post will change their attitude, they wont miss, understanding things

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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Love- parental or for your spouse or girlfriend- is blind. Give eyes to Love. Use head apart from heart. This is what true love needs.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

yes, gulshan ji you are true. love needs head that mean brain. without understanding no love can with stand

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

There are lot of story in the world of love but in lot of cases enemy of love can be near by lover and result we all know but every time if something change then its create new story.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Love is very important in every relation.Without love it is fake.It creates a social bond.
Yes Gulshaji has stated well that mind is also need. Love is needed in everything not only for relationship. Even work should be loved or else one cannot enjoy doing it.
I agree with RAM PROSAD ACHARYYA, love is very important in a relationship

Love is very big thing actually all world related to love someone give value and some don't that make difference.

Santosh Kumar Singh


yes right sir. when we start to think about the love with brain also then it learns us to maintain the relation also. it is not the intelligence that we should always flow in the emotions of heart .
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