There is a easy way to get the multiplication with 11.

suppose if any one ask you 53*11

then what you will do?

You will multiply that is

_____ This is the final result.

but this may take some time to calculate.

So we can use a trick to calculate this with in a second.

53*11= 5+3=8 so place this 8 between 5 and 3 that is 583 there for the answer is 583

This is known as MATHMAGIC

If the calculation with 3 digit number

then 583*11= 5+3=8

Now place this 8 in between 5 and 3

that is 5883

5(58 8+3)3

very simple. Just try it.

I hope you understood.
If you didnt understand anything please let me know

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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Saralaji you shared a marvelous thing .I will share it with my child today. share some more if you have.
Thank you Ramprasad
ok I learnt this when am in 5th class in from some math mathematician.I will find more and let you know.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

ohh calculation is too large
kindly give me sometime to calculate it then i will return to you.
Oh! This is an excellent maths magic. If i would have learnt this when was a school student i would have excelled in maths.
This is a good math magic, I had learnt this long back but had forgotten, thanks for reminding me of this calculation

Thank you Saralaji for your kindness.Here are something:-

1.A number is divisible by 2 with ending any even number or 0.
2.A number is divisible by 3 if the total of numbers is divisible by 3.
3.A number is divisible by 4 if the last two digit is divisible by 4 or ending with00.
4.A number is divisible by 5 if the last digit is 0 or 5.
5.A number is divisible by 6 if the nuber is divisible by 2 and 3.

Share some more continue please.
There is another magic with eleven. The total of digits first, third, five and so on will equal that from second, fourth, sixth digit etc, when the figure is divisible by eleven. So, if you want to know whether a number is divisible by eleven, just total as above.

Thus 121 the first and third digit equal the second. In 132, also the same. In 1320, 0+3 = 2+1. Hence, divisible by eleven. You may check even very large number.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is really very interesting and useful.Thanks for sharing.
Great trick sarala, this will be helping in quick calculation.
Sarala I did not understood the second one that is confusing for me.

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