What is the story behind ramzan festival?

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Too many threads have been initiated by Sarala for single event Ramazan. Also there are several questions on Muslim system.

I have replied some. I am giving link on Ramazan month. This is considered as a month for giving or charity and for purification of body. Muslims will care not to use any abusive language or say derogatory to anyone during this month.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Muslims fast and pray the whole month, and give charity and do all good deeds. A muslim earns 11 months of the year and worship one month, after completion of the month, and when the moon is sighted muslims celebrate as Eid, meet friends and relative and greet them


Thank you said by: Isha
It is the holy day and lots of celebration on that day.
thanks for the information. I also didn't know about the this month.
I don't know much about this festival.They pray and fast for the whole month.
Ramsan is not a festival.It is month in which Muslims observe fast and prove that they can control their body if they intend.After one months fast there comes the festival namely Idul Fithwr.

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Ramsan is not a festival.It is month in which Muslims observe fast and prove that they can control their body if they intend.After one months fast there comes the festival namely Idul Fithwr.

Abid you have explained in the right way


Thank you Fathima.People have a lot of misunderstanding on religion.

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Really very well explained by Abid and Fathima and I got some good information about the holy month of Ramzan. If I am not wrong I think it is the ninth month according to Islamic calender... :)
This is one great festival of muslim.They Keep fast for the whole month and in the last day id are celebrated.

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