Do blind people see dreams when they sleep

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to see dreams no need of the external eye blind people also see dreams in their life.
Dreams are something related to our mind and not with our eyes.
guys i have a doubt, here some are saying that blind people can see dreams in their sleep. But they are blind from their birth then they dont know how everything look then how can they see dreams?

Can any one clear me this doubt please

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

When they haven't seen any colour how can they make out the colour in dreams

dreams are creation of brain so blind also see dreams.
Those not born blind can dream like others. It is like a lame man running in dream. But a man born blind can dream only what he experiences through ears, nose, touch.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

To dream blind people need not to have blind people can dream happyly

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes, blind people can dream when they are asleep but there is a lot of doubt and controversy whether they could see anything in their dream or just they hear only noises...
Yes, blind people can dream when they are asleep but there is a lot of doubt and controversy whether they could see anything in their dream or just they hear only noises...

There should be no controversy. It is obvious that blind may dream like normal people. But those blind since birth have not seen anything in real life. So, they may not see anything in dream. This is simply a matter of observation. You need to interview some blind since birth. However, it is difficult to find the blind since birth.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: ajay
Or if you lucky enough to be friend with any detective agency or police dept.(C.I.D.), or any other similar dept. then they will give you access to the surveillance device named REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING(which you people don't believe).This device will show you what blind people since birth are dreaming. This device will also allow you to directly communicate into the ears of the blind people what he/she are dreaming.

Sorry, can't resist about the topic, so again I repeated on the existence same device.( only to make people aware about this device)
Thank you said by: ajay
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