Is it okay to work out after eating? or after how many hours should we do work outs

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It is very bad to do work outs after eating.There should be at least 1 hour interval between eating and working out.
I agree with Pradeep , There should one hour gap to do work. In the mean while after eating you should walk for 15 minutes, so that the digestion will be easy.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

You have to wait for an hour to work which make you to give your physical strength.....
No, Some problems may occur and its not advised. Even the cricket players do not eat heavily in the middle of the game.
We have to work out after eating.So eat less if you are bound to go.
After eating, the major flow in our body is directed to the digestive system to aid proper digestion and for absorption of nutrients from the food that we ate. If we work out immediately, this blood flow gets directed to our heart and the limbs and hence disrupts proper digestion and since the nutrients are not absorbed in the blood, it is as good as eating a lot of junk!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Do we put on weight if we work out after having a meal after 30 minutes or so

@ Fathima

No we wont put on weight after eating after 30 minutes we work out. but this will give stress to our body thats why immediately should not work out

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It is not okay to work out till food is digested. This may be a gap of a few hours.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

it is very to nessarary to work after eating everytime work in the sense of some exercise to control of your weight.
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