What are the problems caused by irrigation?
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Irrigation does not cause problems. This is necessary for plantations, crops and trees. Really, the problems are faced when there is poor monsoon and irrigation facilities less. We depend still on monsoon. It is time we devote more resources and time to improve irrigation facilities. We may develop the technique of artificial cloud like China.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I don't think problems are caused by irrigation, I haven't heard about it


No problems are caused by irrigation.Irrigation only have good causes.
Irrigation do not create any problem.We should improve irrigation facilities.

Irrigation is watering the plants and crops it doesn't cause any problem.
it is necessary for plantation and tree and it is not a problem.
irrigation doesn't cause any problem but the fertilizers sprayed on crops are flow down in rivers with water of irrigation which makes water of rivers polluted.
irrigation is the process of providing water to agricultural fields to overcome the lack of water which may be caused by droughts.it is a very advantageous activity if done correctly.for instance the green revolution in punjab has occured mainly due to proper irrigation practices and fertilizers.
But irrigation can be harmful also if done in excess.it may lead to water logging which inturn spoils the crops.an example of such a situation is the indira gandhi canal project in rajasthan which created a situation of water logging.
I hope this explains your question.
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