Why do girls propose boys?
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The girls will propose boys and not other girls. similarly boys will propose girls and not boys.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

@ Gulshan

You gave a great answer, it is humouristic one. I couldnt control laughing.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Not all girls propose boys, girls wait for some time for boys to propose if he doesn't propose then girls propose


Thank you said by: ajay

It may be a girl or a boy propose, but they propose if they love. Now a days people are proposing just for fun also. True love is very rare in this generation

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thank you said by: ajay
Mostly boys propose girls and girls won't because of shyness,fear etc.
@ Pradeep

I agree with you, Most of the girl who love never propose boys due to fear of elders and society and finally they loose a beautiful life if the boy whom they love also loving them

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

@ sarala

I agree with you... These days very hard to find a true love.. There is nothing wrong in proposing a girl or boy but it must be life long true love...
Gulshanji sometime and somewhere boys are proposing boys and girls are proposing girls now.

Hmm I think anything is possible in the world. Thing can be happen whatever we can think.

Santosh Kumar Singh



for which reason boys purpose girls similarly if girls love to boys they also purpose to them.
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