How society views youth? Whats is the role of youth in development of society?
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As pointed out by many great thinkers and philosophers that youths play an important and dynamic role in shaping the fate and fortune of a nation...Therefore the role of youth is immense and well diversified when it comes about the development of a nation....
Youth should look after their societies well by organising and meeting regularly on problems evolving their society at large (should discuss).
The role of youth in any society is very important and they are the ones who dare to do something which people of no other age group can!
society consider youth as a new energy. youth must take intelligent decisions.
Society always expect new things from the youth.Being vibrant part of the society they have to put forward new ideas.

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Youths are assets of any nation but they can be made liabilities too by corrupt and immoral leadership!
There are 2 roles. one is bad which they themselves spoil and the other for the development of our country

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

That's why I maintain that it's for the leaders to lead the youth and use their creative as well as physical energies and strength in the right direction!
society consider youth as a age of taking decisions quickly which can ever be right or wrong .
Society view youth for better development of India and society

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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