Have you ever had a moonlight swim in a river ?


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No, but it will be amazing to imagine.Atleast we should view the view.Its fantastic

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Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
No i don`t have a chance , but it`s really very interesting if i have a chance to swim at moonlight....
No,I havn't done this before,but would like to try it once in my lifetime.
No.What is the speciality of moonlight swim and ordinary swim in a river?

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this is really a good thought about swimming in a moonlight.
Interesting idea! Must really try it sometime but are there are any clean rivers left where we can swim without catching any sickness??

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Seems interesting but I think I would feel scary if I have to do it alone....Perhaps I will enjoy doing it along with a group of friends.... :) :)
I go to Goa once in a year where I use to sit near the sea and watching it in the moonlight for hours gives immense pleasure.People use to swim there and have fun but I have never done it.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
If the river is shallow it will be a good scenery to witness it rather than swimming in it.

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