Peace will help in reforming relations with neighbouring countries. Agree?
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I think we have already been doing it since 1947.It is high time to take some stern step with the mediation of influential country like USA.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
I don't think people-to-people contact can be of any great help.It can at best generate some goodwill and put pressure on the respective governments to get their acts together!
I agree with it.It is the way by which we got our freedom.Peace will help in reforming relations with neighbouring countries.
What is important to bear in mind is that the goal of peace can only be achieved when all our neighboring countries genuinely want peace!
Yes, I agree that peace and understanding will surely help in improving relations with neighbouring countries but there are certain situations when it is very hard to maintain peace when the neighbours are looking for bloodshed and violence...
Tolerating injustice is cowardliness. They have always this thing in mind that they will continue killing our indians and yet our political system is so weak that they can never lay hands on them.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
There is an insightful observation by Mukesh. I also believe had India and Pakistan not been so heavily influneced by USA and other countries in shaping their relationship we could have a completely different scenario today!
[quote]Tolerating injustice is cowardliness. They have always this thing in mind that they will continue killing our indians and yet our political system is so weak that they can never lay hands on them[/quote]

Very true! and yet our government insists on maintaining a friendly relationship with China when they are openly encroaching upon the North-East territory of India by building four-lane roads, bridges, and even Medical, Engineering and Architectural colleges and offering hefty discounts for Indian students from Arunachal Pradesh. This kind of gesture cannot be considered as a friendly move.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I think India can and should take a leaf out of USA's book in dealing with China. A few days China warned USA not to entertain Dalai Lama and even went as far asking Prez Obama not to meet him and USA just ignored it with aplomb and Obama actually met Dalai Lama!!
[quote]I think India can and should take a leaf out of USA's book in dealing with China. A few days China warned USA not to entertain Dalai Lama and even went as far asking Prez Obama not to meet him and USA just ignored it with aplomb and Obama actually met Dalai Lama!! [/quote]

I doubt whether our country leaders can ever show such guts! After all, its been a long time since China has been encroaching upon our lands. Now they are openly canvassing among young students of Arunachal that they are originally of Chinese descent living on Chinese land wrongfully taken by India. :angry:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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