Today the world is celebrating the World Population Day. Let us ponder over the significance of this day. The global population stands at close to 7 billion! A mind-boggling figure.We are growing and growing too fast to threaten the very existence of this planet we call our home. What are your thoughts?
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Population is growing like a virus with out stop no one is taking control on population it takes a serious conditions in future

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All our problems stem from this. Poverty,hunger,illiteracy and all have their roots in it!
Make it 14 billion till next year so that any other country think 10 times before attacking on us.:-)
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These extra billions would be fighting and attacking one another so bitterly that they won't need any external enemies!
I have a this day dedicated to increase the population or to control it?

I am sure if the population shoots 14 billion, there will be hardly any place to breathe!
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Swetha Shenoy
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Obviously one who favors this furious growth in population invites dangers to his or her own existence!
Very true, Chinmoy and Swetha! There will be no place to breathe freely and next all humans will resort to unimaginable means to earn money and bread as there will be a rarity of all things.
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"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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We were just 1 billion + roughly two and a half centuries back and all these growth took place in the span of these centuries!
It seems like education and social advancement has only worked towards increaseing population rather than the other way round, also not forgetting the advancement in medical sciences! :( :(

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I believe education and the fruits of medical advancement have largely passed many segments of our society by and the result is right here to see!
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