What you will do with the black money?

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Black money is like any other money. This is that money on which tax has been evaded. This money is also used like white money.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

After proper recognition of the Government, we can give it to charity and spend on other welfare activities.
i will no use it .
i will donate it.
This topic was raised and discussed a few days back to re-appear once again!
Government should use that money for the benefits of public. Should spend on public property.

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I will help poor people. whatever problems i find i will solve them but not my problems. am talking about people

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

The problem lies in the fact no government worth its name is sincere about fighting this menace!
I will use it for the indian education,health,and constructions of schools which are under last stage

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The common middle class people use it for their daily needs.. But what some bad politician and high class industrialist doing with it, they just make it useless and saved in foreign banks.......
Taxation rules are getting simpler in order to make it understandable to everyone.Hence it allures every earning person to pay the tax.

Black money can be brought into circulation by encouraging every one to pay it on time. Govt has taken many initiatives to ensure high tax collection by way of making it easy to pay. Saral Form has been replaced and now a days one can easily pay the tax online.Even for Corporates,complications have been reduced to substantial level. But the irony is that black money is being heavily accumulated by the people in power whom we look upto for bringing about metamorphic changes in the system.

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