What is the fastest way to get money in boddunan?

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There is no short cut. You need to devote time for writing articles, posts and comments.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

sorry. But you have to work hard and then ripe the fruit of success.
There is no chance to get easy money, Just concentrate your article writing section and work hard...
The fastest way to earn money through boddunan is article writing with good english and participating in other activities like commenting, answering, questioning and participating in events

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

articles and review writing are good ways for getting good amount. :)
fast things can't support you for long time so you must have patience and wait for the result.
Article writing and revenue sharing is the fastest way to makingmoney from boddunan

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes there is no shortcut but if you are hardworker then you can do it. its depend upon you. I think if you try for adsense then other way you can get to earn fast.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Credit the points and get revenue sharing. This is the best and easy way to earn fast on boddunan

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Don't search for fastest and shortest ways in the case of earning money because it always traps.

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