everyone will hear stories from our grandparents and mother in our childhood. mostly our grand parents told the stories based on our indian epics and our history stories only.who is the inspired character from our epics you heard?
i will start the thread with the example of mahatma gandhi
mahatma gandhi was inspired by shravan who protect his blind parents and harichandra who is well known for speaking truth.
so let start sharing your opinion guys
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Being no idea about epics I have no comments.Regarding Mahathma Gandhi I may also be able to say!!!
Lubana- Mahatama gandhi is historic personality and not an epic character. I think Arjuna is an admirable character. He had concentration of mind and devotion to his job. While aiming at bird toy, he said that he could see nothing oter than eye of the bird. The students may be inspired by this. No irrelavant matters should be in mind while studying.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

its not like mahatma gandhi is the inspirer.. i stated a example of mahatma gandhi.. mahatma gandhi was inspired by hearing shravan and harichandra stories in his childhood..even harichandra stories only made gandhi to speak truth always
Yes. Harish Chandra is an epic character that inspired mahatama Gandhi. I mentioned Arjuna of mahabharata who may inspire us to concentrate on aim. Dadhichi is an epic character who donated his bones while alive to Indra the Divine king for making Vajara- a weapon to fight against the demons.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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