How to stop damaging public property?
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to stop damaging of public property theses should be provided extra safety during the violated days
People only have to understand that public should not be damaged. Otherwise strict action should be taken who destroys public property.

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The mindset of people is to be changed.They should realise that they are damaging their own property.

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People should try to be a good citizen and take care of public property in the same way as they do to their own property and at the same time they should not take laws in their hands by committing any such activity which brings loss and sufferings to the people in general...
People are negligent about damage to public property. Heavy fines and imprisonment is necessary for such offenses.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

those people must get punishment from the government side.
I think the spot punishment will help in this case but its impossible in our country....
This a crime and should be treated as such.Vandalism is rampant in India and exemplary should be meted out to the guilty.After all it's our money!
People should know that public property is ours and should not be damaged.
All our political parties take an indulgent view of these incidents even the police let the offenders off lightly!
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