What steps to be taken by Government and public to remove Gutkha consumption?
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The Government have done all that can democratically. There is pictorial warning on packs and advertisements. Social organizations, educational institutes, parents, families all should discourage consumption of tobacco in all forms.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Government will soon ban the Gutkha consumption in the public places such as Himachal.
There are already ad campaigns on different media to arouse mass consciousness and that's the right way to go about tackling this menace!
I think the government has been doing or done well so far and now the self realization is required among those who consume this harmful things paying no heed to the warning that is embedded or printed on the gutkha packs....
government should banned the mnufacture of ghutka and a serious punishment for those whose make it.
Banning it may not be that effective.We have to arouse the masses against its health hazards!
Government will not ban gutkha for the simple reason that it bags a huge amount of revenue from it and people need to be concious about their health.
GutKha is very dangerous for health. Government should banned its production.

Be positive
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