Why do people murder other people?
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Murders are for money, wealth, revenge or circumstantial rage. There are many crime reports in newspapers, periodicals and TV that explain this.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

People murder other people to take revenge or for personal gain. Sometimes it is accidental while at other times it is intentional...
People do the same for money, grudge, selfish and various other reason better known to them.
Selfishness is the main reason behind murder.I only to be survived in this earth - this thought is too dangerous.

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People murder for many reasons, one of them is to take revenge or when one is so strong that they can't do anything against that person so they murder


Most of murders are for wealth and for Women now a days many Murder cases coming because of girls due to indirect relationships

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In order to complete their needs or to take revenge they murder each other
A murderer kills his or her conscience before committing this henous crime against humanity!
The first murder in this earthh - Kabel killed Abel.It was just for superiority.

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Many reasons are there.they may be cheated by the person,Psychological problems,revenge etc.
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