Are you addicted to net ?

Before I was but not now

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Person who are around me says so but believe me when I am online I basically logged in to boddunan and one or two other sites. Previously I used to be online mostly through mobiles but I have given up that and I think very soon I will try to cut down this habit with my pc also and try to login for 30 minutes or so regularly and would rather try to pay attention to my other activities.... :)
I work on computer all day but not addicted to net. I work on M.S. word for legal work. I also use internet in between when I gat time.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Maybe somewhat. But not so addicted i have to be on it around 4 hours.
I am spending around 2-3 hours daily on the net but not addicted to it.
Addiction is somewhat related to overuse of computers but our day to day life is such that we hardly get much time to caught up any such thing as addiction....
The very word 'addiction' has negativity written all over it and one should be very conscious of not ever forming any addiction!
Yeah I am addicted to net.....previously i used to play games on boddunan and now playing games on facebook!

Nowadays I am silently checking in boddunan and leaving :(

Swetha Shenoy
Am not addicted to net. I use net for about 2 to 3 hours a day..
Most of my work needs Internet and PC.however i am not addicted as i can stop my work for some days.
Addicted to net means daily 6-8 hours in net?If so I am not addicted.

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