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It is rainy and even very hot here. when the climate is hot it is very bad, we cannot even move out. But when it is rainy it is so cool

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Every thing is happening, sun is coming out and within minutes dark clouds are hovering around again, some cool breeze is blowing and along with it is drizzling. You cannot trust the weather of monsoon....
Now a days the weather over here is very cool and rainy.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Today I woke up in the sunny morning and the sun rays from the window coming directly into my bed and I am very happy about it....
When it rains heavily the maximum temperature falls down to 22-24 degree celcius which makes the weather very enjoying and you can think of going on a long drive then.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
Yes i like this everyday raining weather but its making me to get late from bed...
The best part about the weather is that it has given us some relief from the scorching heat and we feel fine to breathe in cool breeze...
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