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The suggestion to add a level above Maestro Mate is okay. I'm also a Maestro mate and eqyally interested.

But I also feel that there has to be some top most status. Presently, this is Maestro. If one above this is decided, after some time, one above that may be demanded. There will be no end to this process.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

How about having 'Life Mate' on the lines of life membership? Let a Life Mate be honored with one share of revenue irrespective of his contributions in a particular month!
Really some nice and innovative ideas about what should should be the level after Maestro mate and it is worth considering...
well said Mr. Chinmoy. this is right for juniors like us this is an example that we have to reach to that goal to become a maestro mate.
You can clear the doubts of new members and assist them.
I think there should be some prize after adding 5000 posts after Maestero mate label.

Yes, this is a good idea to add some prizes

When do you get the title of Maestro mate, for how many points or for how many posts

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