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It is the worse thing that our india is counted in this category . All of us must take steps to face ou8t those people who are responsible for this and punish them hard.
My state is well in literacy level.But Ladies are not safe to travel after 6PM .

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Yes, I agree with Ronark Bhardwaj,
And I think India a place where women get good respect

Bad news i dont think this is some what true today it is a curse to woman.

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its feeling bad that our india is also counted in this category.
Crime against women is always on the rise in India and we ourselves are responsible for it in one way or the other.
Yesterday one of my friend who is a family counselor told me that the psychology of the people of my state is too bad in this case.I am shameful to say this truth.

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i think strict rules are needed but self protection is also needed.No saftey for women.
That is really very surprising Abid and sad to know. :(
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