If one day you came to know that people around you know everything about you including what's in your mind then how will you react to such situation?

Do you believe that your thoughts/brain can be accessed by others ?
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If this happens, there is total end to privacy and you are nothing but a robot. You are not even allowed to think freely and privately. There was a novel title '1984' by Orwell that fancied how private life would totally end that 'big brother' could watch whatever you do.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

If this happens, there is total end to privacy and you are nothing but a robot. You are not even allowed to think freely and privately. There was a novel title '1984' by Orwell that fancied how private life would totally end that 'big brother' could watch whatever you do.

I think, I need to read this novel '1984' by Orwell. I have to search the online version this novel.

Now, this no more friction but a reality and very much possible. For example, people sitting at Andaman and Nicobar can access any individual's brain who may be situated at New Delhi. Not only that they can even communicate directly into that person's ear, they can even see through the eyes of that person whatever he/she watches, they can even control the targeted person's brain.
No, I don't think so.
It will be a very critical situation for me with complete lack of privacy to even think.
No, I don't think so.

I know that it is difficult to believe about existence of such things, but it's true that the device has already been developed and are very much in use(though officially illegally).

I have already written in earlier posts about existence of such gadgets.You can Google it about a device named "REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING DEVICE".

Regarding believing about this gadget, I am victim of such surveillance. I am still under such surveillance and these people are using this REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING DEVICE.

How did I came to the conclusion that they are using REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING DEVICE?

The way these people behave around me and most important they can communicate in my ears directly and speak with me using this device even when I am out of my house and moving in city or even moving in other parts of the country. They can read my thoughts and whole lots of other things using this gadget.

After, that I started to search a lot and finally through Google only, I came to know about the existence of this device.

It's upto you to believe the existence of this gadget. My privacy is completely lost. There are many big people involved in it, starting from detective agency people, politicians and media and they are misusing their power.

Recently,you have heard of the bugging issue in Finance Minister cabin using chewing gum, this is just a silly thing and a childish play. Nobody will do such silly spying at such high level, when they have this gadget which know one in his life can find out unless they start to communicate with you or shows signs and symptoms which can lead to spying. Because this gadget doesn't require any installation of access device into your body. They just make a contact with your brain through radio frequency(RF) or through Electromagnetic waves without your knowledge. That's it!!

We hire private detective agency for different purpose and they use these kind of gadgets to collect information and give it to their clients and most of them misuse their power and harass people using such gadgets. I am one such victim which led me to find out the existence of such gadgets. There are other gadgets which,I came to know but this is the most dangerous gadget.
Yes Reiky is the system to read other minds and ideas but it required hard work. If I will be in such situation then i will try to think positive for them.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Yes Reiky is the system to read other minds and ideas but it required hard work. If I will be in such situation then i will try to think positive for them.


I am not talking about Reiky. I hope,you should not face such situation, speaking about positive thinking and acting on it while in such is very difficult. How will you react, when you start hearing people communicating into your ears that too everything that is present in your mind or brain even when you are in remote place of the country where there is no means of communication.

Had there been no internet or Google, then I would have started believing that, I have gone mad and would have consulted a psychiatrist for my Schizophrenia.

But, thanks to Google that some people have written blogs on the existence of such devices which are used to harass people.

If, you believe the articles written on this device then this device can access each and every individual's brain in this World and control them.

Yes, we are already living in a World which is very similar to the novel"1984" written by Orwell with a tag "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU".
I wont belive, no one can access others mind. only god can access others mind

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I wont belive, no one can access others mind. only god can access others mind

@ Sarala, I don't want to discuss about anymore on this. My purpose was to make aware of as many people as i can through this forum, so that, if by chance some other face such surveillance then it won't take much time to believe about this device.

I am not forcing you or anybody to believe it, but do read about this device by Goggling it. You will get to know much more about this REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING DEVICE. The victims on whom this device has been used, they know the kind of harassment they are facing. No govt. is going to accept about the use of this device. The govt. will only accept at best about phone tapping nothing else. The govt. know that it is violation of human rights and use of it is totally illegal.
@ Pradeep

ok, but through this forum i got know a new thing that there is a device which can access others brains and government didnt accept it. anyway thank you for letting me know about this.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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