The reason for debacle of the Left Front govt in Bengal after 34 years in power is due to:

1.Mamata's magic
2.Bad governance
3.Need for change
4.Lack of development
5.All of the above
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The major reason is peoples' desire for a change. The left ruled for more than three decades. This is too long a period for any party rule in parliamentary democracy. Any other party can hardly hope to remain in continuous power so long.

Bad governance is no reason. The style of Budhdev was no worse than Jyoti Basu's. In fact, Budhdev Bhattachary worked for industrial development but He was obstructed. He would have done better if given another chance. .

Emergence of Mamata is also a possible reason. Personalities do affect Indian electorate. Most people in West Bengal have not seen any other party in power. So, they might be expecting a better deal from Trinmool. What is unseen always looks better.

Incidentally, too much importance is being given to West Bengal elections. Change of government is a normal feature in democracy. Probably, all in West Bengal expected that left would continue in power till dooms day. The left are also operating in a parliamentary democracy and hence, they can win and lose both.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think to explain Left's debacle in West Bengal in simplistic terms of a change of guards in a parliamentary system would be pretty naive! Reasons go far deeper! The long Left rule in West Bengal has completely debased the political system in West Bengal, be it industry,health or education.The Marxists in West Bengal tried to hijack the democratic system to establish their Stalinist model. And the result is all for to see.
I think to explain Left's debacle in West Bengal in simplistic terms of a change of guards in a parliamentary system would be pretty naive! Reasons go far deeper! The long Left rule in West Bengal has completely debased the political system in West Bengal, be it industry,health or education.The Marxists in West Bengal tried to hijack the democratic system to establish their Stalinist model. And the result is all for to see.

It is understandable that people would be dissatisfied with left rule and they wanted a change. Earlier there was no viable alternative leadership and Jyoti Basu was a highly respected leader. So, Left front could continue for long. Mamata banerjee led Trinmool has given some hope and so the alternative returned to power.

The Left Front was also working in the same system in which other parties work. They also had to abide within the Indian constitution framework. So, it is not understandable how within limited powers of a state government, they could build a 'Stalinist' system.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The two causes for debacle of left are (1) follies of left (2) Desire for change. The link below gives detailed discussion.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think all the reasons provided in the post has to do with the debacle of the left government in West Bengal in varying degrees and the two vital reasons with which I agree are bad governance and lack of development...
I'm agree with ALl of the above reason mention in Option....
Where left went wrong. Prakash Karat says that no individual is responsible for the debacle. The collective decisons are taken and so responsibility is also collective.

But it appears that the role of individuals should also be given importance. Who can deny role of Jyoti Basu and E.M.S. Namboodripad. Neither persoanlity cult is good nor individuals are totally unimportant. In fact, Karat has acknowledged role of Kerala C.M.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thanks gulshan ji for sharing this link.. so people and member of boddunan come to know the reason of debacle of left Front govt in bengal..
3. need for change and can I please point out that this was a good question to be posted in polls.


3. need for change and can I please point out that this was a good question to be posted in polls.

I agree. In fact, this was more suitable in polls as in view of being a question with some alternative answers. Besiedes, participating in polls, members could also give comments in the poll section.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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