Does anyone know who is the first member of boddunan ?

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The members list shows the member details according to seniority in terms of number of points. There is no way to find out who became the first member. Perhaps, Maverick could.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Well that is nothing but the default member added to the site "Administrator"

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Please click the button 'Users List' at bottom and you will find seniority wise list. Of Course, maverick is senior most. Most members are inactive from very beginning.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I dont have any idea about this.Thank u for posting.
It is a nice question.But it is good to enquire whwther he is active now?

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Really a very interesting one to know about who is the first one in boddunan....
It is a nice question.But it is good to enquire whwther he is active now?

The memberts' button on left panel will take you to list containing members according to seniority in terms of points earned. Chinmoy is first in the list. The User's button at the bottom will take you to the list of users in chronological order. Most of the seniormost members were totally inactive and they would have only accepted proposal for membership. The points earned are given in both. By corelating the two lists, you will know what you want.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Let me give some concrete information on first members:

At Sl. 1 is Maverick. He is the key manager of the site and is well known.

At Sl 2 is Georgelelue. He and many other members despite being senior contributed nothing.

At sl. 16 is Atul Barapatre, who is really active and gives valuable inputs.

Let us consider Atul Barapatre as senior most member of the site.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

"Let us consider Atul Barapatre as senior most member of the site. "...Why Maverick is side benched?

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Maverick should know who is the first person of boddunan.

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