One study says India will surpass China by 2025 to become the most populous country.
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One of Such studies had predicted 2010 as year of crossing China.It didn't worked.Now it is 2025!

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Yes, its true indian population is rising day by day. May be there is possiblitity there would be rise in indian population ans some day we can beat china.

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If it is going at the current rate we will beat China.But we should look to the accidental condition that decrease the population also.

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Well there is no need to beat china in this field... Govt. and people should really take initiative to control population else it will be really difficult to meet food and water demands which is getting worse now itself...
China is more than double in Area. So our population is already denser than Chinese. We have to work harder to reduce population not only in absolute terms but also per Sq. KM.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

We should never try to beat them.but its not possible noe.Ultimately its going to happen; if not by 2025 then by 2030.What can we do is delay the inevitable thing.
In just fifteen years i don't think it's possible, as even china's population can grow

Yes, its true indian population is rising day by day.
We are considering the growth of our country only.At the same time other country's population also is growing.

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