Of all the quotable quotes of Albert Einstein I find this one very interesting and thought-provoking! Put on your thinking cap and go ahead expressing your views!
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God is honest and truth,the philosopy will reject God and not believe in it.They do not have God ,that is why they make their own..
God is what you want Him to be. Cleverness and honesty are the virtue that everyone likes irrespective of what he is. Hence nobody will conceptualize a 'GOD' that lacks in any good qualities and possesses bad quality. Hence even the worst criminal cannot think of a criminal 'GOD'.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

ya definitely no doubt about this god always take the exam of our child .....
Good is always truth. I what ever we ask him he give us. If he didnot give then he planned more best thing for us.What ever he do for is for our good only. He even examine his children number of times.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Now they got to deal with it but can't. So? Humans blame God. .... You really are not very clever are you, Grrl? Do some theology, then comment on it...
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