Will India become number one country in any day if yes then how?

Santosh Kumar Singh



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India is number 1 instead . The youth of India is more intelligent in comparison to others. We have gothe big scientists. In litreture , in films in music , India has got the best of all. No doubt.
I think ...
yes of cource India will become number country beacause of I.T technology..
Indians are next to none in technology, learning and merit. The persons of Indian origin are doing excellent job all over the world. our demerit is falling character.

We may be Number one if (1) Excellence is way of life. (2) National spirit replaces individualism and family loyalty.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think not only IT other field will also become no one I hope so...

Santosh Kumar Singh



I don't believe in this notional exercises.Surely we can do well a hell lot better if we can teach our politicians a few lessons in probity in public life!
I think politicians are the resistance of development of our country.

Santosh Kumar Singh



I think we lack self confidence. We should try to stand on our own as a country.
I think corruption is a main problem for India for development...

Santosh Kumar Singh



Many things need to improve like corruption, poverty and infrastructure etc..
Also condition of Farmer should be taken care to generate healthy crop.

Santosh Kumar Singh



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