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When some have not enough weapons and force to fight they move to Naxalism and like that.

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Abid Areacode wrote:
[quote]When some have not enough weapons and force to fight they move to Naxalism and like that.[/quote]

There are socio economic causes of Naxalism. These causes must also be considered. However, criminal actions have to be dealt with as per law. Some one who abets Maoist act of killing and war against state has to face punishment as per law of the land.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

But the actions of the state against naxals had only improved naxal activities.

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Abid Areacode wrote:
[quote]But the actions of the state against naxals had only improved naxal activities.[/quote]

Law takes its own course. The life imprisonment to Naxal supporter is by competent court and is not related to government action. Demonstrations and rally against judicial decisions are most unwelcome and unconstitutional. Remedy against a judgment lies in appeal to higher judicial court. The so called human rights advocates in India and abroad are making hue and cry in the same way as they did in case of Chinese rebel awarded Nobel prize. No wonder this notorious Naxal supporter may also get some international award one day.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Spouse of Maoist accomplice Binayak Sen has dubbed Indian Judiciary system as Kangaroo courts. Does she not know that Kangaroo court is so called Peoples' court staged by Maoists whom her husband supports and is rightly sentenced for life.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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