The western powers are self acclaimed guardians of human rights. They made a mockery of human rights by giving Nobel Prize to a Chinese rebel. Many considered this genuine.

Now India is also facing same treatment. Binayek Sen, Maoist supporter is getting same sort of sympathy from so called human right activists in Europe. An E.U. delegation will observe the trial of the Indian counterpart of the Chinese Nobel Prize winner.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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this is a great information, thank you sharing such information

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

There could be no advocate better than Jeth Malani who pleaded the case of smugglers and kilers of Indira Gandhi. Now Jeth malani pleads that giving help to sedition is not sedition. This is common law that abetting an offence is as much offence as directly committing. Most of the crimes are masterminded and actually committed by smaller persons. Thus according to Jethmalani's logic, the master mind are not guilty.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

thank you for sharing this information in detail gulshan.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I think Binayek Sen is right in many deeds.His imprisonment cannot be justified.

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Abid Areacode wrote:
[quote]I think Binayek Sen is right in many deeds.His imprisonment cannot be justified.[/quote]

Nobody is wrong in every thing. Even one who has murdered, raped, been a traitor would have done many right things. But being right in many things cannot save one from punishment. The Maoists or naxalites have waged war against state, indulging in killings and robbing. The aforesaid Naxalite supporter abetted in the offences and thus is justifiably imprisoned for life.

As expected, there is news of self styled western human right champions of forming association to support the aforesaid naxalite supporter.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Recently many terrorist groups had came forward for bilateral talks when considered them as humans.

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Abid Areacode wrote:
[quote]Recently many terrorist groups had came forward for bilateral talks when considered them as humans.[/quote]

The terrorist group are human no doubt. If talks and persuasion can bring them to peace, this is okay.

However, their indulgence in terrorist activities is grossly unlawful and punishment by court is justified.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This should show the intention of having an honest trial. ... Why don't Naxalite terrorists meet Sangh doctors working in tribal areas with Foreign interest

hello friend i did not have any idea about it so i cannot comment on that it is not my opinion.
chandan kumar wrote:
[quote]hello friend i did not have any idea about it so i cannot comment on that it is not my opinion.[/quote]

Chandan- We write posts for giving comments. There is no need to post if you have no idea or have no opinion. Such posts are considered spam. Discussion on forum differs from chatting.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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