Olive can do wonders to your diet!

Whether you prefer them green or black, olives are a healthy fruit to add to your meals. For the Greeks, they represent nobility and peace but more than that they know the wonders it does for your health.

Olive oil helps keep cholesterol levels in check and controls the blood sugar. It is one of the easiest to digest as it is monounsaturated. Drizzle some on top of a vegetable salad or dip a slice of whole-grain bread in some and eat as a snack.

Olive oil can also be added to spicy dishes and acidic food items. Try adding them when making sauces and dressings. Make a mix of olive oil with onions, herbs (oregano, thyme etc) and garlic for pasta sauces. Use olive oil to marinate your meat dishes as this allows better penetration ofthe flavour into the food. For sautéing or frying, it's best to use a combination of extra virgin and regular olive oil. Add flavour to olive oil by infusing the oil with sprigs of dried herbs. It's best stored in a dark cool spot and in a tightly covered container. Keeping olive oil in the refrigerator, can make it turn thick.

Table olives can eaten in the pickled form or stuffed with pimentos or even just plain. While they can be used in anything from baked dishes to martinis, they also make a healthy snack eaten on their own.
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Now a days olive oil is gaining too much popularity And its healthy too.....
Yes, Olive can do wonders to our diet, they control cholesterol and blood sugar.Olive are green and black color.We get Iron vitamin.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Olive oil though is healthy we never use it in food which need to be changed due to so many benefits.
Though Olive oil is costly it is worth spending on it for cooking purposes.
Olives are different and Olives are different. Olives are of 2 kinds itseems. So here olive means not related to olive oil.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.


Truly raw olives can be a little hard to come by, though the processed and heated kind are found everywhere. This doesn`t help those of us on a raw food diet very much, as the heated kind can wreak havoc on a body that is accustomed to eating raw. So should you make the effort to procure the raw kind? Is it worth it? Decide for yourself...here are some benefits which the inclusion of raw olives into your diet can bring to you.

The taste factor

Firstly, adding olives to a salad, with a few Italian herbs, can make what was a simple tomato and lettuce salad into a really tasty meal. If you are having people over for dinner who do not subscribe to the raw lifestyle, the addition of olives will go down very well. As most people are accustomed to strong flavors, they might find a more simple salad boring. Also, olives make excellent raw snacks; because of their high oil content they are very satiating and make great substitute for traditional `movie` snack foods such as popcorn and potato chips.

Good fat

Olives have a high fat content. Most people are now over the idea that all fat is bad, and that fat leads to flab (no rhyme intended). We know now that there are good and bad fats, and olives have plenty of the good ones, as they have a high content of monounsaturated fats. These types of fats are quite stable, meaning that they provide good protection for our body. They are not as easily damaged as polyunsaturated fats, and so, if we have them in our cells, we are better protected. People of the Mediterranean countries are thought to be as healthy as they are due to their high consumption of olive oil.

Weight loss

Studies have shown that the consumption of foods high in monounsaturated fats may lead to weight loss. This could be due to its satiating affects, just a handful of olives will ward off hunger, or it may also be that these fats increase the metabolism. Furthermore, other studies have shown that monounsaturated fats, such as those found in olives, can decrease the amount of fat held around the stomach area, when compared to diets high in carbohydrates.

Excellent source of Vitamin E

Olives have high levels of Vitamin E, in fact, a cup of olives will give you twenty percent of your recommended daily amount. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant which neutralizes free radicals in the body. Tests have shown that Vitamin E may protect the body against cardiovascular disease and it may also enhance the immune system.

Olives make excellent snacks, and they also really make a salad a lot more interesting. Another favorite is olive tapenade, which makes a delicious dip for chopped vegetables.
There are many uses for olives and even though the olive is a fruit, in culinary terms it’s used more like a vegetable. Olives are used in salads, as toppings for pizza and eaten as a snack. Olives are not usually eaten raw because of their bitter taste. Olives are normally cured, fermented or stuffed with herbs and spices. One of the most popular uses is making olive oil. Olive oil is popular for all types of cooking, and is considered a healthy alternative to cooking oils.
Variety and Type of Olives

Green and black olives are not really types of olive. The difference between green and black olives is that green olives are picked from the tree early whereas black olives are ripened on the tree until they turn black. That’s why black olives have a softer texture and are less bitter than green olives.

Health Benefits of Olives – Nutritional Values

The following nutritional values are based on 1 ounce of ripe canned olives, which equals about 7 large olives. Nutritional values can vary depending on the olives curing methods and ingredients used.

* Olives are very low in calories with 32 and relatively low in total fat with 3 grams
* Olives are very low in sugar and cholesterol with near zero amounts
* Olives are high in sodium with 244 milligrams
* Olives are not a good source of protein
* Olives have some dietary fiber values with 1 gram
* Olives are not a good source of vitamins

The biggest negative factor for olives is the high amounts of sodium. Olives also have some nutritional values of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, also known as the good fats.
Read on

There are hundreds of types of olives. This article only focused on a small variety of the more popular types of olives. Because of the many good qualities in olives, they can be part of a healthy balanced diet. With the various types and flavors of olives, it’s hard to beat the unique flavor and great tasted of the olive.
Olive is a fruit, growing on the tree of the same name, native to coastal areas of the eastern Mediterranean region, apart from Asia and parts of Africa. Olive tree has been cultivated since ages, being the source of olives for consumption, olive oil, fine wood and even the useful olive leaf. Today, amongst the most popular uses of the tree is the production of olive oil. Though widely used in the Mediterranean region, olive oil is becoming increasing popular as a cooking medium, across the globe. The main reason for it being the high nutritional value of the fruit and the health benefits it offers to the users. Read on further to explore the nutrition benefits of eating olives and using olive oil.

Nutritional Value of Olives
Given below is the amount of nutrients present in three olives, combined together:

* Fat - 2.5
* Cholesterol - 0mg
* Sodium - 110mg
* Carbohydrate - 1g
* Calories - 25
* Protein: 0g
* Iron
* Vitamin E
* Dietary Fiber
* Copper
* Fatty Acids
* Amino Acids

Nutritional Value of Olive Oil
Given below is the amount of nutrients present in 100 gm olive oil:

* Energy - 900 cal
* Saturated Fats - 15.6 gm
* Unsaturated Fats - 73.4 gm
* Poly-saturated Fats - 9.5 gm
* Vitamin E - 19.4 mg
Health Nutrition Benefits of Olives/ Olive Oil

* The mono-saturated fats present in olives/olive oil, when combined with the antioxidant protection offered by vitamin E, lower the risk of damage and inflammation.
* Olive/olive oil contains active phytonutrient compounds, including polyphenols and flavonoids, which have been found to have significant anti-inflammatory properties.
* The vitamin E present in olives/olive oil has been known to offer cellular protection against free radicals present in the body.
* Olives/olive oil prevents the oxidation of cholesterol in the body and thus, helps reduce the risk of having heart attack or stroke.
* Since they help the body in neutralizing free radicals, the nutrients in olives/olive oil also lead to prevention of colon cancer.
* Olives/olive oil are said to be effective in reducing the frequency and/or intensity of hot flashes in women, who are going through menopause.
* Regular consumption of olive oil has been associated with decrease in systolic (maximum) as well as diastolic (minimum) blood pressure.
* Those who consume olives/olive oil are at a lesser risk of developing diabetes at later stages in life.
* Good quality olive/olive oil contains a natural chemical that acts like a painkiller.

Olive/olive oil has been known to be beneficial for people suffering from the following ailments:

* Asthma
* Osteoarthritis
* Rheumatoid Arthritis
* Arteriosclerosis
* Stomach Problems
* Constipation
* Diabetes
Olive oil is very well tolerated by the stomach. In fact, olive oil's protective function has a beneficial effect on ulcers and gastritis


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