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Consumption of adequate amounts of water is very important in promoting good kidney health. Most people already know that it is important to drink at least eight glasses of water per day. If you have a kidney disorder such as kidney stone, however, this is probably not enough. Some medical practitioners recommend drinking the equivalent of half your body weight in ounces of water, per day. For example if your weight is 160 lbs, then you should drink at least 80 ozs of water which is equivalent to approximately 10 (8 oz) glasses. This is only a guide and would probably be inappropriate for persons with excessive body weight.

Adequate water consumption is not only important for kidney health but many other biological functions. Water helps to maintain the correct concentration and volume of blood as well as aiding in digestion, regulating body temperature and blood circulation, and helps to flush toxins and other waste products from the body.

The kidney needs a lot of water in order to perform its crucial function of removing toxins from the body and maintaining the correct concentration of the blood and other body fluids. Adequate water consumption also reduces the chances of developing some kidney stones.

Lets face it, not many of us are able to eat properly on a consistent basis, for various reasons. Sometimes we make poor eating choices due to ignorance, convenience, taste preferences, or in some cases unavailability of healthy foods. Even those of us who are able to eat a balance diet consistently, the quality of food is sometimes poor. This is largely due to pollution and poor farming practices.

So how do we acquire the required nutrients to promote efficient biological functions? Supplementation is the answer. Optimum kidney health is dependent on having the right nutrients, in the right amounts.

Persons with kidney failure, though, must be careful of the supplements they take. Depending on the cause of kidney failure, some supplements may not be recommended. You must work in conjunction with your dietitian to determine the best supplements to use.

Detoxification is the removal of toxins from the body. It is an important element of any kidney health program. Over time, toxic elements enter our bodies through the air we breathe, the water we drink, the foods we eat, and also medications we take and personal care products we apply to our hair and skin. Additionally, toxins are naturally produced in the body through metabolic processes. If these toxins are allowed to accumulate for too long, they will disrupt our health.

The kidneys help to eliminate some of these toxins but not all. In fact if the kidneys are not functioning well there could be a build up of toxins in the kidneys. To maximize kidney health and overall health, a periodic removal of toxins is necessary.

It is also important to promote natural detoxification by making correct food choices. It is a good practice to periodically detoxify the major organs (including the kidneys), using specialized natural products in addition to diet. This helps to promote the efficient functioning of biological systems and reduce the stress placed on the kidneys and other organs.

Kidney health or kidney care involves adherence to some basic principles of health, as outlined above. Continuous violation of these principles will result in disease and eventually, premature death. These are very broad principles which, if followed will result in improved kidney health and overall health and quality of life.

If you are afflicted with a kidney problem, you should always seek professional medical attention. Special diets and treatments such as dialysis may be required.

The best treatment of kidney disease, though, is to prevent it. Optimize kidney health by consuming the right types and quantities of foods, exercise regularly, drink adequate amounts of water, and observe other healthy habits, such as adequate rest, recreation and reduce stress levels. At all cost, avoid destructive lifestyle habits such as smoking and drug and alcohol abuse.
How to Do a Kidney Cleansing Fast

Kidneys filter mercury, copper, DDT and arsenic-bound chemicals from your bloodstream. They are very sensitive to infections and do their job much better when functioning smoothly. The following diet is designed to keep your kidneys clean and able to perform their duties. See "Understand a Kidney Cleansing Fast" before you begin.



Prepare for your fast by gathering all the items you will need and eating a light meal the day before.

Avoid the temptation to eat a large "last supper" before your fast. Cutting down on your meals a few days before you fast will signal your mind, stomach and appetite that less food is okay.

Fast for one day by drinking fresh organic apple juice diluted in half with filtered water. Drink as much as you desire whenever you are hungry.

Mix 1 cup of celery leaves and 1 cup parsley leaves with 1 1/2 quarts of pure distilled water, boil for 20 minutes and strain away the leaves. Simmer for 20 minutes. Drink three to four cups of this between your cups of juice.

Continue alternating these two drinks, along with the following diet, for the next 2 to 10 days.

Eat muesli or plain yogurt with fresh fruit for breakfast. Drink celery and parsley broth, apple juice or chamomile tea.

Eat raw or cooked vegetables for lunch. You may also eat salad with olive oil and lemon juice dressing, rice or barely soup, egg yolk, millet, baked potato, broiled fish or turkey. Continue breakfast drinks. Lunch should be your largest meal of the day, but don't stuff yourself.

Eat two or three items from the lunch menu for dinner. Eat lightly. You may also include some dark rye bread, vegetable soup or brown rice.

Give yourself an enema, or see a hydro-therapist, if possible, at the end of your fast to aid your colon in expelling the toxins that your body has released during the fast.

Break your fast by slowly adding in the other foods that constitute your normal diet.
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Very useful information given. Thanks for sharing this information.
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