Health Benefits:

* Lime contains by far more vitamin C than the lemon. A glass of warm water with lime juice and a teaspoonful of honey is an ideal remedy for cold and dry cough.
* Lime juice is a pep-up in cases of listlessness and a rundown feeling due to vitamin deficiency.
* The pectin content in fruit pulp is said to be beneficial in lowering blood cholesterol.
* The vitamin C content in lime increases the body's resistance to disease, aids the healing of wounds and prevents damage to the eyes.
* Vitamin C is also helpful in maintaining the health of the teeth and other bones of the body. It prevents decay and loosening of the teeth, dental caries, toothache, bleeding of the gums and fragility of bones.
* The rind of the fruit also has medicinal properties. It contains a volatile oil which is used in medicine for improving digestion and removing wind
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Nutritive Values: Per 100 gm.

* Vitamin B: Thiamine .04 mg;
* Riboflavin: trace
* Niacin: .1 mg
* Vitamin C: 27 mg.
* Calcium: 40 mg.
* Iron: 6 mg.
* Phosphorus: 22 mg.
* Fat: .1 gm
* Protein: .8 gm
* Calories: 37
Natural Benefits and Curative Properties

The juice of fresh limes is being used in medicine from ancient times in India. In Vadas, lime has been mentioned as a sacred fruit. Cutting limes after reciting certain Mantras is considered an effective method for driving away the evil spirits. Charaka and Sharangdhara, the two famous physicians of ancient India, have mentioned about the therapeutic value of lime in various diseases of bones and joints. The vitamin C content in lime increases the body's resistance to disease
, aids the healing of wounds and prevents damage to the eyes. Vitamin C is also helpful in maintaining the health of the teeth and other bones of the body. It prevents decay and loosening of the teeth, dental caries, toothache, bleeding of the gums and fragility of bones.
The rind of the fruit also has medicinal properties. It contains a volatile oil which is used in medicine for improving digestion and removing wind

* Scurvy :- As a rich source of vitamin C, the lime has been regarded as a food of exceptional therapeutic value. It has saved the lives of innumerable crews of ocean-going vessels from scurvy. The Boards of Trade regulations have made it compulsory for the crew to have a supply of lime juice when vegetables are not available.
* Digestive Disorders :- Lime is considered highly beneficial in the treatment of digestive disorders. A teaspoonful of fresh lime-juice should be mixed with equal quantity of bony. It should be licked to stop bilious vomiting, indigestion, burning in the chest due to high acidity in the stomach and excessive accumulation of saliva in the mouth.
A teaspoonful of lime juice mixed with water and a pinch of soda bicarb makes an excellent remedy for reducing the acidity in the stomach. It also acts as a powerful carminative in case of indigestion. It produces a marked sedative effect in the stomach due to release of carbonic acid gas.
Many juices have their own benefits.But lime has some instant action I think.

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Is this Sweet lime that you are talking about? The fruit that we call Mosambi????

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

@Abhishek - two topics with almost similar subject....... :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
[quote]@Abhishek - two topics with almost similar subject....... [/quote]

Yeah shalu, I noticed it after I replied to one previous post on limes!

Anyway, my take is that since limes are good especially during winter season, Abhishek is taking lot of efforts to give a generous dose of vitamin C to everyone!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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