Benefits Of Antioxidants

Obsessed with looking young? Well, you do not really have to scour the globe like Juan Ponce de Leon to find your own ‘Fountain of Youth’. Just gobbling down greens, dried nuts, fresh fruits and veggies everyday would ensure that you give those runway glam dolls a run for their money. All you have to do is drop the jellybeans, snicker bars, wafers, cookies and beer cans from your grocery list and chock up your cart with carrots, melons, beans, berries and greens instead to enjoy some healthy noshing. Apart from whetting up your bon appetite, these fruits and veggies would stall ageing, prevent cancer and cardiac diseases and lengthen your life span by years. Sounds too good to be true, right? Take it or leave it, but it’s true. All the bright colored fruits and vegetables like spinach, melons, tomatoes, red bell peppers, mangoes and more, that you see on the supermarket shelves are loaded with antioxidants, a compound that helps to fight the free radicals in the body and minimize the influence of ‘oxidative stress’. If you want to dig deep on the health perks of antioxidants, read on.

Antioxidants Benefits

Did you know that binging on beans, blueberries, broccoli and bell peppers could stall the free radicals from ravaging your good health and well-being and keep cancer away? One of the biggest highs of hogging on rich antioxidant sources like vitamin A, C, E, Vitamin B6 and folic acid is that it helps to inhibit the oxidization of cells thereby preventing cell damage and terminating all risks of cancer.
Wish to go slow on your age? Forget the expensive anti-ageing creams, facial fuels and botox and go au natural with antioxidants, the new ‘age-defying’ factor. Antioxidants have been found to reduce ‘oxidative stress’ and minimize free radical damages thereby shielding collagen from degenerative effects of oxidation and slowing down your ageing by years. So if you wish to stay young and feel gorgeous for long, don’t forget to gorge on apricots, avocadoes, berries, cherries for a healthier, beautiful looking you.
Shopping down your supermarket aisle can keep the flu bug away and fortify your body’s resistance. Wonder how? Supermarket stalls are stacked with super foods like pumpkins, mangoes, berries, figs, cantaloupes and more that are rich in antioxidants that help to fight off free radical raids. What’s more, antioxidants helps to repair damaged cells and fortify boost body’s immunity thereby keeping flu, cold and other infections at bay.
Exposure to cigarette fumes, drugs, radiation, inorganic particles and gases can fill your body with free radicals and damage your cells beyond repair, leading to high cardiovascular risks. A diet rich in antioxidants like flavanoids and lycopenes can happily keep all cardiac risks at bay and provide additional protection to your arteries and blood vessels too.
Antioxidants have more benefits than you can even think of. Apart from offering maximum protection against degenerative diseases, antioxidants serve to thwart all risks of glaucoma and macular degeneration and are the ultimate elixir for eye related disorders and boosting metabolism.
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How Do Antioxidants Work

These days, people are being encouraged to consume food items that are rich in Vitamin A, C and E (alpha-tocopherol), mainly because of their antioxidant properties. Have you ever sat back and wondered what exactly are antioxidants and how do they work in our body. Let us start with the first part of your question. Antioxidants, as their very name suggests, are those substances that have the ability to neutralize the damaging, though normal, effects of the physiological process of oxidation in the tissues. Antioxidants are inclusive of nutrients (such as vitamins and minerals) as well as enzymes (like proteins). By offsetting the harmful effects of oxidation, they help the body prevent a number of chronic diseases as cancer, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, Rheumatoid arthritis, and cataracts. Now, let us move on to the working of antioxidants.

Free Radicals
In order to understand how antioxidants work, we first need to get a clear idea on the concept of free radicals. Free radicals can be described as chemically active atoms or molecular fragments in the body, which have a charge, owing to either excess or deficient number of electrons. Since free radicals have one or more unpaired electrons, they tend to be quite unstable. As they move around your body, they try to grab or donate electrons, scavenging it in turn and leading to damaged cells, proteins, and DNA (genetic material). Free radicals arise from sources both inside (endogenous) and outside (exogenous) our bodies and are almost impossible for us to avoid.

Antioxidants Working Process
Antioxidants work against free radicals, neutralizing them and blocking the process of oxidation in turn. This procedure leads to oxidation of antioxidants as well, which makes it necessary for us to replenish our antioxidant resources on a constant basis. The exact working of antioxidants can be classified into the following two ways:

By now, we know that free radicals roam around in our body, trying to release or steal an electron. As their task gets accomplished, a second radical is formed. This radical, in turn, tries to give or get electrons as well, causing another molecule to become a free radical. This process goes on and on, if not stopped, leading to excessive free radicals in the body. This is where the antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and vitamins C and E, come into picture. They terminate the process by breaking the chain and leading to the creation of a stabilized radical. In other words, antioxidants help stop the generation of more unstable products inside the body.

Antioxidants not only help break the chain of free radicals, but can also help prevent the main culprit behind them - oxidation, as well. Enzymes like superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase reduce the rate of chain initiation. They hunt for, and neutralize, the chain-initiating free radicals. With this, they prevent an oxidation chain from ever setting in motion. Antioxidant enzymes can also stabilize transition metal radicals, such as copper and iron, and thus prevent oxidation. As the oxidation process does not take place, the body is saved from its harmful effects, which manifest themselves in the form of various chronic diseases.
A great post elucidating the working and benefits of anti-oxidants! Thanks Neetu!
Of late i have been feeling the effect of fatigue too much and i knew about anti oxidants but this post which educates us very simply about antioxidants is marvellous.a great post which is worth taking a print out and i am alwaays going to keep it with me.
Thanks a million Neetu!
Herbs contain powerful antioxidants which are often more powerful than many vitamins!

That is one of reasons why herbal supplements have become so popular. The benefits of antioxidants in herbs have been studied extensively and have shown impressive results.

Herbs with the benefits of antioxidants

Turmeric - contains the potent antioxidant curcumin, which helps fight free radicals in the liver and aids in digestion.

Hawthorn - contains OPC's, powerful antioxidants that strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels.

Ginkgo Biloba - contains extremely powerful flavonoids that increase circulation to the brain, attributing to increased mental awareness and memory. Also protects the ears and eyes and promotes blood circulation to the lower legs.

Green Tea - contains OPC's which protect the heart and circulatory system, contributing to overall well-being.

Red Clover - the extract contains four anti-tumor compounds and the strong antioxidant tocopherol, a form of Vitamin E.

Bilberry - its powerful antioxidant compounds, called anthocyanosides, help with eye problems such as cataracts and poor night vision.
Anti-Aging Antioxidants Health Benefits & Sources

Antioxidants are anti aging. This means staying younger longer with better health.

The benefits of antioxidants from food, or a good quality natural antioxidant supplement, give you the anti aging protection against degenerative diseases and help slow down the aging process of your skin, cells, tissues and organs.

Antioxidants Health Benefits

Antioxidants are the naturally occurring nutrients found in certain fruits and vegetables. They've been proven to protect human cells from oxidative damage and provide:

• Anti-aging of cells and overall body,
• Greatly reduced incidence of all cancers,
• Glaucoma and macular degeneration prevention,
• Reduced risk of cholesterol-oxidation and heart disease
• Stronger immunity and resistance to flues, viruses and infections.

The main anti aging oxidants found in food include vitamins A, C and E, the minerals selenium and zinc and all of the phytonutrient carotenoids.

How Anti Aging Antioxidants Work

Although breathing oxygen is essential to life, oxygen can also be your worst enemy. It starts a process in your body called oxidation, which is the formation of free radicals.

The oxidation of metal is a good example. Iron gets old and rusty, aluminum is bleached an ugly white and copper turns an "aged" green. Something similar happens when your body is exposed to air, light and poor nutrition.

Free radical oxidation damage is the primary cause of aging (rust and corrosion). It's as harmful and destructive to your body and brain as corrosion is to your car.

Just think of antioxidants as human “Rust-Oleum.”
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