Stomach Upset And Home Remedies For Quick Cure

Stomach upset is mainly caused due to indigestion. Our stomach cells excrete acid to digest the food we eat but when the amount of food exceeds the digestion limits, then some of the food stuff are left behind undigested. At this point of time, body excretes more acid which causes acidity. Acidity causes stomach disorder. Overeating does not give time for the stomach to digest all the food and this causes infection which leads to stomach upset. Stomach disorder can lead to serious conditions like diarrhoea, stomach ulcer etc. Symptoms of stomach disorder are nausea, headache, tiredness and pain around the naval etc.

Here was some home remedies to cure stomach upset -

1.Mix half a spoon of baking soda to a glass of water. Drink it to get relief from acidity. This also controls loose motion.

2.Wet a cloth in cold water and sponge your stomach with it. This treats the restlessness in your stomach and also reduces nausea.

3.Make a tea with Chamomile, ginger, mint and pepper. This is one of the best home remedy for stomach upset.

4.Boil raw banana with turmeric and salt. Cut it into pieces and eat it to stop loose motions.

5.Boil crushed mint leaves in a glass of water. Drink it twice a day to cure stomach disorder and irritation.

6.Take 1tsp of date and honey. Have it three times a day to stop severe loose motion.

7.Drink butter milk with 2 spoons of amla powder, to stop feeling of nausea.

8.Mix powdered cumin power and pepper with buttermilk and drink it thrice a day. This controls loose motion.

9.Make a paste out of poppy seeds and mix salt with it. Consume it every day to reduce acidity and gas.

10.Radish Juice is very good for digestion. Radish juice cures the unlined problem of stomach upset. Radish juice should be taken everyday in the morning to regulate digestion.

11.Puffed rice with sugar and water should be taken at intervals. This is a very good source of saline. During loose motion one tends to get dehydrated. This will help your body to maintain the water level.

These home remedies for stomach upset, assures quick recovery. Avoid intake of fried, citrus and high protein food during stomach disorder. They are difficult to digest and enhances the digestion problem.
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I suffer many times with the acidity problem. I don't feel well due to indigestion. Hope, this information would be more helpful to me.

Want to make each day Accountable

Very simple tips... Thanks for sharing here... :) :)

@Ronark, I think a small tip can help you out..
Take curd in small bowl and add 1 spoon honey to it. Mix them well and have it. Make it a habit to consume this after every meal. This will help you out!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Deepti wrote:
[quote]Very simple tips... Thanks for sharing here... :) :)

@Ronark, I think a small tip can help you out..
Take curd in small bowl and add 1 spoon honey to it. Mix them well and have it. Make it a habit to consume this after every meal. This will help you out!!![/quote]

thanks deepti for sharing this simple yet effective tip to cure acidity........
It is very useful for most of the people as now-a-days due to inapprioate schedules we tend to have these problems..
Highly useful tips shared here.We always the said tea for stomach problems.

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Take a Look at Your Diet

Different fresh tasty vegetables isolated on white background.

Cutting back on the fats can minimize your gas.

Avoiding unpleasant gas attacks just takes a little planning and some careful choices. Making educated decisions about what foods you eat, when and how you eat them and what you do after can make a huge difference in reducing stomach upset.

Here are a few suggestions to get started:

Track your diet. If you've been experiencing temporary stomach upset fairly often, try keeping a food diary for a few weeks to see if you can identify any links. Different foods bother different people. If you can identify the foods that you seem to be sensitive to, you can limit or avoid them -- along with the trouble they cause you.

Pass on pepper. Red and black pepper are frequently identified as gastrointestinal irritants, so try skipping these to see if your stomach feels better. As far as spices, limit these only if you're bothered by them. Some people can eat spicy foods without ever experiencing unpleasant side effects, and if you're one of them, depriving your taste buds isn't necessary.

Opt for less fat. If your stomach has been acting up, reach for foods that are easy to digest, such as whole grains and lean protein. Avoid foods that are fried or high in fat, which can cause or aggravate stomach upset.

Increase fiber gradually. A high-fiber diet is good for your health, but don't go too high too fast. A gradual change of diet, with a slow but continual addition of fiber, will help your system adjust gradually.

Choose veggies carefully. You may love broccoli, but if you're having a problem with gas, cut back. Too much of certain vegetables, namely broccoli, cauliflower and brussels sprouts, can aggravate stomach woes. Cabbage can also cause trouble.

Limit problematic fruits. Some people experience stomach discomfort from eating apples and melon. Pay attention to whether your stomach upset follows eating either of these.

Eat moderately. Take time to enjoy your meal and allow your food to digest properly. Stuffing your stomach can irritate it. But don't skip meals -- it allows acid to build up in your stomach and can leave you with an aching tummy.

Cook gasless beans. If you throw out the water in which you've soaked the beans overnight, then cook them in fresh water, you'll significantly decrease their gas-causing potential. Rinsing canned beans also helps reduce gas.
Home Remedy for Stomach Upset

* Take ½ glass of water and put ½ tsp baking soda in it. Mix well and drink. This will help you in getting relief from acidity, indigestion or heartburn. If the problem still persists, have another ½ glass after two hours.
* Banana has the ability to soothe the stomach, ease diarrhea and offset the acids that cause upset stomach. So, in case you are suffering from a stomach problem, try having a banana.
* Ginger has been found to be very effective in treating an upset stomach. You can have it in the form of ginger ale and ginger tea or even chew on a piece of candied ginger.
* Peppermint tea has been long associated with calming of the stomach muscles. So, next time you are suffering from an upset stomach, try having peppermint tea.
* If you are having an upset stomach, make sure to avoid foods that aggravate the problem. Amongst the food items that should be avoided are coffee, onions, milk, cauliflower, chocolate, fried foods and baked beans.
* Mint tea helps in soothing an upset stomach. For making mint tea, boil crushed mint leaves in water. Strain the tea and drink it.
* In case of diarrhea, take 1 tsp date paste, mixed with a little honey, three times in a day.
* Another effective home remedy for diarrhea comprises of 5-10 gm of amla powder, combined with buttermilk. This should be taken for 1-2 days.
* If heaviness in stomach is your problem, put ¼ tsp powdered cumin and ¼ tsp black pepper powder in 1 glass buttermilk. Have it two or three times a day, for 2-3 days.
* At times, stress is the reason behind an upset stomach. So, make sure to relax your body as well as your mind. Try taking a warm, relaxing bath; listening some good music or going off to sleep.
Natural Home Remedies for Upset Stomach

• Having ginger tea is one of the most popular natural home remedies for Upset Stomach in children as well as adults. It also helps to relieve stomach pain.

However, ginger should not be consumed in excess in case of heartburn or gallstones. Other herbal teas like that of peppermint, cinnamon, chamomile etc are also beneficial in healing this problem naturally at home.

• Consuming a mixture of lemon juice and honey in water is the simplest home remedy for Stomach Upset related symptoms of nausea and acidity.

• Simply having a glass of water mixed with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar is useful in healing Upset Stomach caused by Indigestion.

• Take a dried blackberry twig with about four to five leaves on it and boil it in a cup of water for five minutes on a low heat. Finally, cool and strain the mixture and drink it. This is one of the best natural home remedies for Upset Stomach and Vomiting.

• Prepare a mixture by boiling some minced cinnamon in a glass of water and consume it one hour before having meals in order to prevent Upset Stomach related issues.

• Swallowing about five black pepper peas followed by a glass of water works as an effective natural cure for Upset Stomach.

• Having a combination of half teaspoon each of cumin seeds and fenugreek seeds in four teaspoons of yogurt is one of the most therapeutic home remedies for Upset Stomach and Diarrhea. For best results, take this remdy about four times in a day.

• Massaging the abdominal area with some warm garlic oil helps to ease Upset Stomach and abdominal pain.

• Taking a combination of half a teaspoon of baking soda in about half a cup of water is a tried and tested Upset Stomach natural remedy.
when we get an stomach pain we can follow these precautions with out any fear if u not get cured then u can approach the doctor.....
i have this problem, hope that these home remedies help..thanks for sharing..
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