Kalyani Nandurkar wrote:usha manohar wrote:Any thinking individual can see that both marriage and divorce regardless of religion have social significance. Unless they are brought under a uniform code there are bound to be even more serious repercussion...it is a shame that the previous govts not only did not implement this but now are bent on appeasing the minorities and the funny thing is the so called rationals who are ready to ridicule any and every practice followed by Hinduism but are ready to side with every corrupt practice of the minorities. I feel more than the minorities, it is these psuedos who have totally conmunalised and divided our society along with the Congress party
True...especially now are the times when because of education and globalization, communities are becoming homogenised more and more than in the past when girls and boys were largely segregated and not allowed to mingle together. The world is now coming closer and attempts to stick to traditions rigidly would only lead to conflicts and deter any progress. It is a time when there is an increased need for uniform laws and therefore, no matter, what the opposition, the redundant laws related to talaq etc. need to be discarded. Sticking to them will only bring more conflicts.
Although the educated women are opposed to the triple talaq, the majority are ok with it because they can eadily remarry . There was a mention in the papers about a young Muslim lady who has openly questioned her husband who apparently asked for a divorce because he did not like her and the religious leaders would grant his wish because he is a man..
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
It is inappropriate to judge Mulsims' personal law from Hindu view point. Marriage is a pious cord that joins a Hindu couple for seven lives. On the other hand, a Muslim marriage is mere contract. Unlike Hindu, there is provision for divorce in Islam. A Hindu separated woman suffers from stigma unlike a Muslim woman. A Muslim woman can easily remarry. Muslim women also have right to divorce under 'khula' mode. However triple talaq as practiced is improper. Uttering the word 'talaq' just in a few second or a minute is improper. There should be some gap- reasonably for about a month between each utterance. A man may change his mind between first and second or second and third and not say talaq three times.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
Triple Talaq is nowhere mentioned in Quran. Quran gives equal right to both husband and wife to seek divorce.There is a widely known incident, when the Prophet of Islam was displeased and reprimanded a man for divorcing his wife just by saying three times Talaq.
It is now high time that we stop talking about "Hindu Women" and "Muslim women", "Hindu rights" and "Muslim rights". It is time to talk about the rights of women in general, rights that women should enjoy being a citizen of a progressive nation. So any practice that demeans the dignity of women should be banned in all the religions. Lets see women as human being whose dignity is as precious as that of a man irrespective of the religion she belongs. Lets not safeguard patriarchal mindset in the garb of religious beliefs.
I am open to experience what life's mystery bag holds for me
Triple Talaq robs a woman's fundamental rights. Irrespective of any religion, a woman is entitled to live with dignity. Its because the topic is about Triple Talaq, we are discussing about Triple Talaq.
Arunima Singh wrote:It is now high time that we stop talking about "Hindu Women" and "Muslim women", "Hindu rights" and "Muslim rights". It is time to talk about the rights of women in general, rights that women should enjoy being a citizen of a progressive nation. So any practice that demeans the dignity of women should be banned in all the religions. Lets see women as human being whose dignity is as precious as that of a man irrespective of the religion she belongs. Lets not safeguard patriarchal mindset in the garb of religious beliefs.
Exactly Arunima, it is very well for men to say that it is very easy for the women to remarry, but in truth, majority of these women have to seek refuge with their parents who are already struggling under a load of children and the woman with her children becomes an additional burden. Some women may indeed find it easy to remarry, but for those who cannot, is a life full of poverty and hard struggle, she cannot feed her children adequately or provide education, thus leading to an increase in crime rates. And even if the women remarry to another persons, what about the impact of it all on the children? Each marriage thus broken has a significant social impact. The same is applicable to Hindu women too. So we should speaking about women from this community or that but find solutions to raise the status of the women both at social as well as economical levels.
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
It is good see that slowly the Muslim community esp the women are beginning to think beyond communal politics practiced so far which kept them backward and bound to useless religious beliefs. In UP an entire village has decided to support a young woman who is the target of triple T..it is noteworthy here that the Supreme court has shown it's displeasure at such a practice but our parties led by Congress still support it just for votes..
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
Vote Bank Politics of Congress is well known. Thenks for the link.It is heartening to know how Asma Khatoon fought against Triple Talaq. Asma was divorced by her Husband Shawnawaz Hussain. Hussain uttered dreaded Triple Talaq over the Phone. Asma's crime was, she delivered Daughter. Supreme Court already pronounced that Triple Talaq is Unconstitutional.
Asma Khatoon and the entire Villge of Niaiamu stood bravely and opposed the Draconian Triple Talaq unitedly. We need more Asma Khatoons
In Islam marriage is a contract and procedure to end it are laid down. Unless a vast majority of Muslims oppose triple talaq any law banning it will meet the samecfate as the anti dowry law amongst Hindus where the practice continues unabated.
Triple Talaq is being opposed by many educated Muslim women all over the World. In the coming years the Movement against triple Talaq is going to be a Tsunami and sweep away the Muslim Clerics. Now the Movement has the Support of The Apex Court and People.
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