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rambabu wrote:
anil wrote:
suni51 wrote:

 Muslim shrines developed for a certain purpose esp in the name of Sufism which is nothing but converting people to Islam or at least teach them sing Allah and Moula. The people in the photo are not praying for Lord Ganesha but offering their Namaz. I said let the day come when Hindus will be allowed to pray for Lord Ganesha inside a mosque. 

When God Allaha Iswar is every where, what does matter, it is only the way of thinking. Mandir mai tu Masjid mai tu he virano main. Murli Ki tano mai tu, tu hi ha azaone main.

Well said. it's all about our thinking. God is everywhere. God is present in the teeth less smile of a child.

yes I am agree, you write here which I like too much. Every child is like God. But it shame that some evil trough them gutters. I read in newspaper that one mother refuse for breast feed to her new born child because she said I gave birth to male child but it female child. shame, Shame




suni51 I used to visit church in my school campus but I don't remember that I stood their praising Jesus. I offered my prayer to God who is one and that was surely not just in appreciation of Jesus but God as a whole.

@Kalyani Nandukar What you said is absolutely correct. Actually. each and everyone do not think broadly while it relates to religion. So, good and bad incidents both take place but the point is those who respect others' belief they need to remain neutral while some bad incident takes place. Just see what happened recently in UP when a Hindu outfit killed a Muslim on a fake claim that his family slaughtered a cow. This is awful. Some people from both the communities are equally responsible for polluting the relationship while some in both the communities believe in peace and harmony.


Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar

There are contradictions in every community and sometimes the fundamentalists do commit excesses which has far reaching effects on the population. We see different religious groups constantly fighting for superiority in other countries too like in Ireland, the entire former USSR region and in Arabian countries.Thankfully we have no such major problem in our country except when minor incidents get fueled by other conniving parties who hope to reap some benefit !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thankfully, this issue is not a regular problem in India. Hopefully one day the problem creators of all the communities will be forced to stop their wrongdoings and the countrymen can leave in peace.   


It speaks low of ourselves that politicians think that they will polarise us and get more votes. People have to rise above these sentiments and vote fairly. Then such instances will hopefully go down.

When people begin to distinguish and treat religion as a personal issue things are bound to get better. As of now, we have a messed up society where religion and caste play a predominant role in all spheres of our society , be it education, politics , jobs etc...I wish religion and religious beliefs remains within the four walls of one's own house !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Religion is personal. I know many couples of different religions and faith living under the same roof leading a harmonious life and enjoying marital bliss Shahrukh and Gauri of Bollywood or Pataudi and Sharmila are but two examples.


For every hate monger there are far more sane persons in the society. Till this balance does nit turn in favor of the former India will be a good country to live in.

mostly the people of India is very friendly to others religion and its very good also to have friends of other religion and the brotherhood between religions can only be seen in India 

bhuyali saroj

It is the self appointed protectors in every religion who use muscle power whom the govt. should neutralize to have peace and security in the country. It seems the govt is undecided and that is the root cause of growing intolerance.

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