Welcome Ujjwalsharma. This topic is enough old. Don't know about which blog you are talking.
You can get rid of toxins by the following methods:
1. By drinking a lot of water.
Water helps you in flushing out the toxins out of your body naturally.
2. By doing cardiac exercises.
Cardiac exercises help in maintaining good toxin balance in your body and naturally your body toxin level will go down.
3. Maintaining healthy diet
Fruits and vegetables especially green vegetables will help you in this problem.
4. Be on a liquid diet once a week.
Being on a liquid diet once a week will help you get toxin out of your body.
It will behave like a detoxifying day for you and will definitely feel better after this.
Yoga is very Beneficial for us. we should regularly practice Yoga exercise and Yoga poses. Some of the major yoga exercises are:
Surya Namaskar
Shakti Chalana Kriya:
and some major pranayama
Edited one of your post, deleted the other one and your account blocked for spamming.
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