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One may not always get the same thing end of the day as he or she might have thought of achieving at the beginning of that same day. But, what you achieve is undoubtedly yours and you can only be happy when you enjoy what you have achieved. Something went great, you feel happy that you made it; something goes wrong, you feel positive that it is an opportunity for improvement.

I think to be happy at work, one must enjoy and appreciate the work he or she does (as Rambabu has rightly said earlier), no matter how simple or how complex the environment around you is. Hard work pays, early or late.... being happy is a key to success.

The tips outlined in the link shared in the beginning of this discussion are great. Making yourself happy with all those tips is definitely not an overnight happening. It takes time to create an ambiance of happiness at work.

I agree that enjoying what you do is the most essential factor...There is no perfect atmosphere at work or home or anywhere in life, we have to make the best of what we have got.

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Happiness gives positive impact on life and it stimulates to work more and more for goal achievement. :laugh: :laugh:

Happiness gives positive impact on life and it stimulates to work more and more for goal achievement. :laugh: :laugh:

But how to create happiness in your work arena? Its possible by creating your own happy atmosphere that's congenial to you. But beware in this process, you might be creating an unfavorable atmosphere to your colleague. The best possible thing is you should have the ability to be within your limitations and act accordingly.
Yes, creating a happy environment may not be feasible always. But, feeling happy and content about the work one does is in his or her own control and should not impact others. Having that said, the happiness in you might get influenced by the environment around you though! I have experienced that at times - despite I try to enjoy my work, stay cool, and feel happy about my work.
Due to advent express life style, lesser time to take rest and peace of mind, many a times happiness flies over and only passive happiness grips you.

Apart from home, you spend major time at work. apart from salary, you need to be in happy mood at work. Here are some tips.

Happiness at work is not in single hand. But we should be try for healthy relation with all colleagues. We should be keep us seprate from office politics.

If you have tension with office politics, I would say that office is not at all a place for fun and joy. It is a place where we do our work seriously. Be very cunning and rigid. You must become happy only when you get promotions. Enjoy it with your family.
Apart from home, you spend major time at work. apart from salary, you need to be in happy mood at work. Here are some tips.

Happiness at work is not in single hand. But we should be try for healthy relation with all colleagues. We should be keep us seprate from office politics.

If you have tension with office politics, I would say that office is not at all a place for fun and joy. It is a place where we do our work seriously. Be very cunning and rigid. You must become happy only when you get promotions. Enjoy it with your family.
Sleep should be the important criteria as it will give impetus to work more during office time and this will cool mind and you will have good time while at office.

Apart from home, you spend major time at work. apart from salary, you need to be in happy mood at work. Here are some tips.

Happiness at work is not in single hand. But we should be try for healthy relation with all colleagues. We should be keep us seprate from office politics.

If you have tension with office politics, I would say that office is not at all a place for fun and joy. It is a place where we do our work seriously. Be very cunning and rigid. You must become happy only when you get promotions. Enjoy it with your family.
Sleep should be the important criteria as it will give impetus to work more during office time and this will cool mind and you will have good time while at office.

A healthy mind in a healthy body. And its the mind's positive attitude that creates happiness. It's applicable everywhere be it in the office or in the home.
Thank you said by: mohan manohar
While one should enjoy the work and place of work to be happy, there are other factors that matter - may be we can call them self-development skills. One needs to know how to handle problems, manage conflicts, stay clam when there is unnecessary chaos, and so on. All such skills I think are prerequisites to being happy, whether at work or at home.
While one should enjoy the work and place of work to be happy, there are other factors that matter - may be we can call them self-development skills. One needs to know how to handle problems, manage conflicts, stay clam when there is unnecessary chaos, and so on. All such skills I think are prerequisites to being happy, whether at work or at home.

Yes. One has to identify that factor which contributes to happinss. But at the same time it should not be hindrance to other's happiness.
Thank you said by: Samir Mishra
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