Apex court has commuted death sentence to life imprisonment in the infamous Tandoor case ruling that mere cruelty cannot be a basis for arriving at conclusion of 'rarest of rare'. If there is chance of reform and the case is just personal and family matter, this is not rarest of rare justifying death penalty.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Probably Tandoor was not enough to qualify in 'Rare' category which is such a common item. If the accused had used an electric oven for this backward country, that perhaps had done the trick. That was well defined by apex court.

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Probably Tandoor was not enough to qualify in 'Rare' category which is such a common item. If the accused had used an electric oven for this backward country, that perhaps had done the trick. That was well defined by apex court.

Apex court agrees that element of cruelty was there. But according to the apex court, this is not sufficient to bring case in 'rarest of rare' category. The offender was not a habitual offender and the dispute was family related. There was no crime against the society as such. It cannot be said that the offender will not be reformed and he will commit similar crime again.

It follows that if there is murder howsoever criminal for property or other disputes in family, the case is not rarest of rare in spite of cruelty. Only when the crime is against somebody other than family member and offence is against society, this could be rarest of rare.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Apex court has commuted death sentence to life imprisonment in the infamous Tandoor case ruling that mere cruelty cannot be a basis for arriving at conclusion of 'rarest of rare'. If there is chance of reform and the case is just personal and family matter, this is not rarest of rare justifying death penalty.

I think the apex court has delivered the right justice to this culprit as he committed a grave crime, he has to feel it by living in the dark cell for his life time, as the honorable court clearly mentioned that for him life term is jail term till his death, as per television footings, the persons seems to be in his thirties, so this would be a perfect for him so that each day of his life he would be thinking about the crime he has committed.


Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Apex court has commuted death sentence to life imprisonment in the infamous Tandoor case ruling that mere cruelty cannot be a basis for arriving at conclusion of 'rarest of rare'. If there is chance of reform and the case is just personal and family matter, this is not rarest of rare justifying death penalty.

I think the apex court has delivered the right justice to this culprit as he committed a grave crime, he has to feel it by living in the dark cell for his life time, as the honorable court clearly mentioned that for him life term is jail term till his death, as per television footings, the persons seems to be in his thirties, so this would be a perfect for him so that each day of his life he would be thinking about the crime he has committed.

Solitary confinement will make the prisoner recall the heinous crime he committed. And these thoughts make him more and more guilty each day and each moment of his life, making him a living corpse. This's is much bigger punishment than the capital punishment.
Apex court has commuted death sentence to life imprisonment in the infamous Tandoor case ruling that mere cruelty cannot be a basis for arriving at conclusion of 'rarest of rare'. If there is chance of reform and the case is just personal and family matter, this is not rarest of rare justifying death penalty.


No comments of courts decision, but if chopping human body in small pieces is not, cruelty than what is cruelty.
Apex court has commuted death sentence to life imprisonment in the infamous Tandoor case ruling that mere cruelty cannot be a basis for arriving at conclusion of 'rarest of rare'. If there is chance of reform and the case is just personal and family matter, this is not rarest of rare justifying death penalty.

I think the apex court has delivered the right justice to this culprit as he committed a grave crime, he has to feel it by living in the dark cell for his life time, as the honorable court clearly mentioned that for him life term is jail term till his death, as per television footings, the persons seems to be in his thirties, so this would be a perfect for him so that each day of his life he would be thinking about the crime he has committed.

Solitary confinement will make the prisoner recall the heinous crime he committed. And these thoughts make him more and more guilty each day and each moment of his life, making him a living corpse. This's is much bigger punishment than the capital punishment.

I thought cruelty to animals was not permitted in our country . People like these are worse than animals so need your sympathy. :evil:

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Thank you said by: anil
Apex court has commuted death sentence to life imprisonment in the infamous Tandoor case ruling that mere cruelty cannot be a basis for arriving at conclusion of 'rarest of rare'. If there is chance of reform and the case is just personal and family matter, this is not rarest of rare justifying death penalty.

I think the apex court has delivered the right justice to this culprit as he committed a grave crime, he has to feel it by living in the dark cell for his life time, as the honorable court clearly mentioned that for him life term is jail term till his death, as per television footings, the persons seems to be in his thirties, so this would be a perfect for him so that each day of his life he would be thinking about the crime he has committed.

Solitary confinement will make the prisoner recall the heinous crime he committed. And these thoughts make him more and more guilty each day and each moment of his life, making him a living corpse. This's is much bigger punishment than the capital punishment.

I thought cruelty to animals was not permitted in our country . People like these are worse than animals so need your sympathy. :evil:

Its not sympathy its inflicting a bigger and grievous injury than capital punishment. Capital punishment will cause a momentary injury. Mental torture will live and increase day by day.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Apex court has commuted death sentence to life imprisonment in the infamous Tandoor case ruling that mere cruelty cannot be a basis for arriving at conclusion of 'rarest of rare'. If there is chance of reform and the case is just personal and family matter, this is not rarest of rare justifying death penalty.

I think the apex court has delivered the right justice to this culprit as he committed a grave crime, he has to feel it by living in the dark cell for his life time, as the honorable court clearly mentioned that for him life term is jail term till his death, as per television footings, the persons seems to be in his thirties, so this would be a perfect for him so that each day of his life he would be thinking about the crime he has committed.

This explains the logic behind international movement to abolish death penalty. Life long imprisonment is really harsher than death sentence. But the case is very old and it does not appear that the offenders are presently in thirties.

Anil commented that chopping human body in pieces is cruelty. It may be recalled that not living but dead body was cut in pieces. Apex court also agrees that this is cruelty. But according to the court, cruelty is not the only criterion to decide whether the case is rarest of rare justifying death sentence.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Apex court has commuted death sentence to life imprisonment in the infamous Tandoor case ruling that mere cruelty cannot be a basis for arriving at conclusion of 'rarest of rare'. If there is chance of reform and the case is just personal and family matter, this is not rarest of rare justifying death penalty.

I think the apex court has delivered the right justice to this culprit as he committed a grave crime, he has to feel it by living in the dark cell for his life time, as the honorable court clearly mentioned that for him life term is jail term till his death, as per television footings, the persons seems to be in his thirties, so this would be a perfect for him so that each day of his life he would be thinking about the crime he has committed.

Solitary confinement will make the prisoner recall the heinous crime he committed. And these thoughts make him more and more guilty each day and each moment of his life, making him a living corpse. This's is much bigger punishment than the capital punishment.

I thought cruelty to animals was not permitted in our country . People like these are worse than animals so need your sympathy. :evil:

Its not sympathy its inflicting a bigger and grievous injury than capital punishment. Capital punishment will cause a momentary injury. Mental torture will live and increase day by day.

I said the same- Cruelty against animals is not accepted. If you will keep this person in jail for life making him suffer for rest of his life, that will be like great cruelty for this animal. As far family relations, I am not sure if that justifies murder of a woman. In that case all bride burning should be considered sympathetically.

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Apex court has commuted death sentence to life imprisonment in the infamous Tandoor case ruling that mere cruelty cannot be a basis for arriving at conclusion of 'rarest of rare'. If there is chance of reform and the case is just personal and family matter, this is not rarest of rare justifying death penalty.

I think the apex court has delivered the right justice to this culprit as he committed a grave crime, he has to feel it by living in the dark cell for his life time, as the honorable court clearly mentioned that for him life term is jail term till his death, as per television footings, the persons seems to be in his thirties, so this would be a perfect for him so that each day of his life he would be thinking about the crime he has committed.

Solitary confinement will make the prisoner recall the heinous crime he committed. And these thoughts make him more and more guilty each day and each moment of his life, making him a living corpse. This's is much bigger punishment than the capital punishment.

I thought cruelty to animals was not permitted in our country . People like these are worse than animals so need your sympathy. :evil:

Its not sympathy its inflicting a bigger and grievous injury than capital punishment. Capital punishment will cause a momentary injury. Mental torture will live and increase day by day.

I said the same- Cruelty against animals is not accepted. If you will keep this person in jail for life making him suffer for rest of his life, that will be like great cruelty for this animal. As far family relations, I am not sure if that justifies murder of a woman. In that case all bride burning should be considered sympathetically.

Bride burning is related to dowry issue which is a social problem.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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