11 years ago
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
Actually old diseases are controlled easier. These are well known. There is more difficulty with latest diseases that are strill being researched.
Tuberculosis is as old as humanity- says a research.
Tuberculosis is as old as humanity- says a research.
May be the oldest disease. But TB is no more an untreatable disease. Modern technology has kept it well within the control.
May be the oldest disease. But TB is no more an untreatable disease. Modern technology has kept it well within the control.
Yes it is treatable but surprisingly there is no TB treatment in Australia because there is no tuberculosis in this country. They go through very strict tests before providing residency visas to people intending to settle here or willing to visit here for more than three month. Australia and New Zeeland are perhaps the only countries in the world which are free from this disease.
In some classic old Hindi movies, TB is treated as mortal disease, subsequently it is now curable.May be the oldest disease. But TB is no more an untreatable disease. Modern technology has kept it well within the control.
Yes it is treatable but surprisingly there is no TB treatment in Australia because there is no tuberculosis in this country. They go through very strict tests before providing residency visas to people intending to settle here or willing to visit here for more than three month. Australia and New Zeeland are perhaps the only countries in the world which are free from this disease.
Though not fully there are many countries which succeeded in removing TB almost from their respective countries.
Tuberculosis is as old as humanity- says a research.
What made that come to this conclusion.. May be they didn't knew the names of other which were prevailing at that time... Could it ?
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
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