Rape law is handy weapon for blackmailing boys. First consensual sex. Then cry- rape. If the boy refuses to marry or otherwise satisfy her demands, just make allegation of rape. Delhi High Court has commented on increasing tendency of misuse of rape law by women.

This reminds me of an old story- boy crying wolf- wolf. Now women cry rape- rape. So even in case of real rape, nobody will believe such woman.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Not only girls but also boys have to be careful of premarital relationships.There are boys who cheat girls and there are girls who hook boys for monetary gains. I know of a recent case in our locality in which the girl blackmailed the boy and took off with all that he had. Sadly, the boy could not come to term with his depression and committed suicide.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
If a body can rape girls and try to cheat them, then why not a girl can do so? All in all she just want to get settled in a marriage life with a body she loves, what's wrong with it? :whistle:

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Rape law is handy weapon for blackmailing boys. First consensual sex. Then cry- rape. If the boy refuses to marry or otherwise satisfy her demands, just make allegation of rape. Delhi High Court has commented on increasing tendency of misuse of rape law by women.

This reminds me of an old story- boy crying wolf- wolf. Now women cry rape- rape. So even in case of real rape, nobody will believe such woman.


Laws are made for the welfare of the people. We are seeing abuse of laws with selfish motives.Examples are anti dowry act, Consumer protection act to name a few. But the abusers are not realizing that they are causing immense damage to the society.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
I agree with you rambabu sir that laws are for the welfare of the people but now a days few people are in the habit of misusing the laws...
If a body can rape girls and try to cheat them, then why not a girl can do so? All in all she just want to get settled in a marriage life with a body she loves, what's wrong with it? :whistle:

This doesnt make sense, you cannot be happy in marrying someone through force or by cheating ..how long will that last ? Either way any law should be followed by the citizens, when people take advantage no amount of law or punishment is going to help improve the society ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani, jabeen
If a body can rape girls and try to cheat them, then why not a girl can do so? All in all she just want to get settled in a marriage life with a body she loves, what's wrong with it? :whistle:

Blackmailing by anyone can not be complimented. Premarital sex is immoral according to social standards. Premarital sex based on promise to marry dos not cut ice. Thus if the boy does not marry her, the premarital consensual sex cannot be characterized as rape just because boy did not marry her. circumstances can always change. This is what Delhi High court repeatedly commented.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Let's put the question of allegations aside. How about the trauma a boy's family can go through considering the allegations to be true. Women can easily misuse the law.
Thank you said by: suni51
Let's put the question of allegations aside. How about the trauma a boy's family can go through considering the allegations to be true. Women can easily misuse the law.

There needs to be change in law. If a girls consents to sex in the hope of marriage, this is not rape even if the boy does not marry her. Similar should be the law on consensual sex on promise of getting job or pass in exam. Sex for job or good marks in exam is just corruption and not rape. Law needs amendment.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There is always a chance that any law could be manipulated and misused like with dowry harassment cases, some of which were fabricated. Similarly here too there is scope for such a thing to happen, so what they need to do is make it as foolproof as possible, that is the best that can be done because loopholes will always be there !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
There is nothing new, law is always manipulated by by moneyed and powerful people as they can influence lawmakers/keepers by different ways.

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