15 years ago
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15 years ago
It is not the good number. In past days nearly before 2 months, i seen nearly 50 members are registered per day. At that time referral earnings are easy. So more numbers. But today's highest members after long time. Boddunan is improving.
Cool information and hot earnings @
15 years ago
I think Admin or Maverick can answer the right number of maximum new joinee in a single day.
15 years ago
Yes only admin or moderator can answer this question.Your curiosity is praised.Keep it up Chinmayo Mukherji
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15 years ago
Hi Abid!
Yesterday I came across a sharp rise in the number of registration in an hour or so. That was most unusual and I braced up with hopes that the number might touch a record.But it was not to be, it slackened substantially later on. I am hopeful of a new record very soon. Thanks!
Yesterday I came across a sharp rise in the number of registration in an hour or so. That was most unusual and I braced up with hopes that the number might touch a record.But it was not to be, it slackened substantially later on. I am hopeful of a new record very soon. Thanks!
15 years ago
The site is doing really great thats why we are joining.
15 years ago
The highest number is 121. However since the fake referrals are more in the earlier days due to loopholes in the referral system, we cannot take that number as genuine. I can say today's 29 is far better than the 121 members on that day.
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
15 years ago
Maverick wrote:
[quote]The highest number is 121. However since the fake referrals are more in the earlier days due to loopholes in the referral system, we cannot take that number as genuine. I can say today's 29 is far better than the 121 members on that day.[/quote]
Yes, at that time so many referrals. But all are fake.
[quote]The highest number is 121. However since the fake referrals are more in the earlier days due to loopholes in the referral system, we cannot take that number as genuine. I can say today's 29 is far better than the 121 members on that day.[/quote]
Yes, at that time so many referrals. But all are fake.
Cool information and hot earnings @
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