In today’s time someone working for others interest are hard to find. Still there are one’s in the form of various organisations who are working selflessly for the transformation of other people. This selfless effort brings a mutation i.e. change in their own self. Transformation of others can be done in many ways motivating people, encouraging them, counselling of the people who are victims of some incident and helping them in finding a new motive to live their life, or supporting various addicts to fight against their addictions. Its not easy to work on someone else’s transformation. It’s a self challenging task in itself.
Those who are working in this direction will definitely feel a change in themselves. While you work for the transformation of others you are one who takes the responsibility of that individual. This definitely makes you responsible. You will try every possible way to somehow transform others for better. Still its not easy to transform others as people don’t want anyone’s interference in their life. When you are working for the transformation of others, than you grow as a better person. You will see that your perspective to look life widens. You see situations with greater precision and try to handle them with more maturity. While working for transformation of others a moment arises that you want to quite but if you tackle that particular situation than you become new as a person. Your patience level increases and you do not panic in hard times rather you do remain calm. While working on the complexes and fears of other people you find your own complexes non-existing. Your own problems become less. As you become more solution oriented rather than being problem oriented. You become a confident person who is self motivated enough to even encourage others.
You will learn to take action in your life. The compilation of your own experiences and that of others teach you a lot. It will provide you best feeling of your life which will be unexplainable. There is will be a satisfaction in life. When you see someone’s life changed in a good way by your small efforts, this gives you a sense of achievement and It makes your existence worth it. That little day to day worries of life become a game for you, which you will play like a champion. If you compare the older you with the new one than you will find a lot of difference in you, in your attitude, in your behaviour. You will also meet yourself who was lost somewhere in the crowd and also you will start loving yourself. Thus, try to help others in their transformation as somehow they are saving you. It will also enhance your outlook for your surroundings.
This article is written by Akshita Garg who is studying Btech from Haryana Engineering college. I am a very passionate person who wants to work for society and wanted to contribute for the betterment of society. I definitely want to change orthodox mindset of our country. It is written in collaboration with Prayaascorps a NGO who believe in doing small efforts in the fields of education, health care and nutrition, shelter to serve the society. For more details visit our website: