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15 years ago
I also agree with Siddharth that money is not and cannot be the prime motivation behind writing. Writing article isn't running behind money, submitting copied content is...
15 years ago
Its not the Indian youth ... its "I"ndia becoming more greedy to be running behind money... and blaming the whole country!
15 years ago
As someone well said, "Leadership and parenting are not very famous amongst us."
Bad parenting includes teaching children to be greedy as this particular phenomenon is more evident form our mindset and way of living today than ever........ and I believe, there are also equal number of selfless people in India........ and its up to ourselves to become greedy or selfless........ I think Indians should choose to be selfless and make India lesser greedy rather than running behind money........ as the number of people who seem to be sort of confused about this phenomenon are usually attracted either towards the greedy or the selfless way........ lets join hands so that we can actually bring about a chain of change around the nation which will bring down the number of greedy morons who are running behind money!
LETS JOIN HANDS :) :( B) :laugh: :cheer: ;) :P :angry: :unsure: :ohmy: :huh: :dry: :lol: :silly: :blink: :blush: :kiss: :woohoo: :side: :S COME ON EVERYONE
Bad parenting includes teaching children to be greedy as this particular phenomenon is more evident form our mindset and way of living today than ever........ and I believe, there are also equal number of selfless people in India........ and its up to ourselves to become greedy or selfless........ I think Indians should choose to be selfless and make India lesser greedy rather than running behind money........ as the number of people who seem to be sort of confused about this phenomenon are usually attracted either towards the greedy or the selfless way........ lets join hands so that we can actually bring about a chain of change around the nation which will bring down the number of greedy morons who are running behind money!
LETS JOIN HANDS :) :( B) :laugh: :cheer: ;) :P :angry: :unsure: :ohmy: :huh: :dry: :lol: :silly: :blink: :blush: :kiss: :woohoo: :side: :S COME ON EVERYONE
15 years ago
I didn't understood what do you mean by[quote]"I"ndia becoming more greedy to be running behind money... and blaming the whole country![/quote]
15 years ago
What I mean to say is.. there is a greedy man within all of us who is running behind money incessantly. I should change this mindset of mine first and if everyone starts thinking and doing like that, I'm sure a mass change can be brought about in the way India thinks and does things. So its "I"ndia first rather than India!!
15 years ago
You see... "Charity begins at home." Why not I be the first to change the way I think and do things??? For the world to change, I need to change and for the world to get better, I need to get better. Hope you understand what I mean.
15 years ago
:( , It's really pathetic that Indian youth are becoming more and more money minded. But everything starts from the surroundings and your house. There are many examples where parents now-a-days want children who go abroad and earn money and that increases their social status. Nobody can deny this. Every person has his own priorities and youth in this generation prioritize money as the sole aim in life. Apt is the quote "Money makes many things", and that's why most of us are behind money.
Hope I'm not wrong. B) :) :cheer:
Hope I'm not wrong. B) :) :cheer:
Your one click makes their day, please help them:
15 years ago
Yes Anuradha. You are not wrong. Even now whether be in villages, towns or cities, going abroad is a huge factor that everyone become proud about. Well it can not be helped if the family members belong to the category who do not understand the world better. They are proud of showing off that their relative is working in America etc.
But, the people in cities also feel the same way. They should understand better the opportunities available in the city. In spite of this, they still encourage their children to work abroad. If this encouragement if provided to work in India itself, the students will be motivated to learn well and get a very good position in Indian Company.
But, the people in cities also feel the same way. They should understand better the opportunities available in the city. In spite of this, they still encourage their children to work abroad. If this encouragement if provided to work in India itself, the students will be motivated to learn well and get a very good position in Indian Company.
15 years ago
But according to me ...its not running behind money, but today's youth don't want to miss any chance. He knows to dance on a chance.
If he sees an opportunity he wants to encash it as soon as possible.
The reason?
He observes the past generation. He observes that his father worked for whole life & still he(father) needs to work. He knows that he want to discover or choose a different path if he wants to live a good life.
Today's world is different. Prices of every thing are touching the sky, Plus he don't knows when Recession will hit the country & he would have to leave the job.
Thats why he searches for opportunities, & different means for earning money.
I do not say that choosing unfair means to earn more money is right, But I support the Run behind money.
If he sees an opportunity he wants to encash it as soon as possible.
The reason?
He observes the past generation. He observes that his father worked for whole life & still he(father) needs to work. He knows that he want to discover or choose a different path if he wants to live a good life.
Today's world is different. Prices of every thing are touching the sky, Plus he don't knows when Recession will hit the country & he would have to leave the job.
Thats why he searches for opportunities, & different means for earning money.
I do not say that choosing unfair means to earn more money is right, But I support the Run behind money.
15 years ago
Friend i think all you right as per your ways and i also satisfied for that. but is really money everything. as per my point of view money is not 100% everything but 85% requirement attached to money thats why new youth running behind money.
each requirement need money even if you want to go latrine or bathroom then you need to pay for that.
if you will not run behind money then you will suffer in life. to save from suffering.
run untill you get good financial postion.
each requirement need money even if you want to go latrine or bathroom then you need to pay for that.
if you will not run behind money then you will suffer in life. to save from suffering.
run untill you get good financial postion.
Santosh Kumar Singh
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